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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Vehicle care Organic solvОnts such as bОnzinО, kОrosОnО, l Cleaning the exterior of your CAUTION alcohol anН pОtrol, aciН or alkalinО solvОnts vehicle maв Нiscolour thО gОnuinО lОathОr surПacО. When washing the under side of your ve- E00900700108 l BО surО to usО nОutral НОtОrgОnts. hicle or wheel, be careful not to injure IП thО Пolloаing is lОПt on вour vОhiclО, it maв RОmovО Нirtв patchОs or oil substancОs quick- l your hands. causО corrosion, Нiscolouration anН stains, аash lв as thОв can stain gОnuinО lОathОr. If your vehicle has rain sensor wipers, thО vОhiclО as soon as possiblО. l ThО gОnuinО lОathОr surПacО maв harНОn anН l place the wiper switch lever in the “OFF” SОaаatОr, roaН НОicing proНucts. l shrink iП it is ОбposОН to НirОct sun Пor long position to deactivate the rain sensor be- Soot anН Нust, iron poаНОr Пrom ПactoriОs, hours. WhОn вour vОhiclО is parkОН, placО it l fore washing the vehicle. Otherwise, the chОmical substancО (aciНs, alkalis, coal-tar, in thО shaНО as much as possiblО. wipers will operate in the presence of wa- Оtc.). WhОn thО tОmpОraturО oП thО vОhiclО intОrior l ter spray on the windscreen and may get Droppings Пrom birНs, carcassОs oП insОcts, risОs in summОr, vinвl proНucts lОПt on thОl damaged as a result. trОО sap, Оtc. gОnuinО lОathОr sОat maв НОtОrioratО anН Refrain from excessively using a car wash l stick to thО sОat. as its brushes may scratch the paint sur- Washing face, causing it to lose its gloss. Scratches E00900902276 will be especially visible on darker col- ChОmicals containОН in thО Нirt anН Нust pickОН up oured vehicles. Пrom thО roaН surПacО can НamagО thО paint coat Never spray or splash water on the electri- l anН boНв oП вour vОhiclО iП lОПt in prolongОН contact. cal components in the engine compart- FrОquОnt аashing anН аaбing is thО bОst аaв to pro- ment. Doing so could have an adverse ef- tОct вour vОhiclО Пrom this НamagО. This аill also fect on the engine startability. bО ОППОctivО in protОcting it Пrom ОnvironmОntal Оl- Exercise caution also when washing the ОmОnts such as rain, snoа, salt air, Оtc. underbody; be careful not to spray water Do not аash thО vОhiclО in НirОct sunlight. Park thО into the engine compartment. vОhiclО in thО shaНО anН spraв it аith аatОr to rО- Some types of hot water washing equip- l movО Нust. NОбt, using an amplО amount oП clОan ment apply high pressure and heat to the аatОr anН a car аashing brush or spongО, аash thО vehicle. They may cause heat distortion vОhiclО Пrom top to bottom. and damage to the vehicle resin parts and UsО a milН car аashing soap iП nОcОssarв. RinsО may result in flooding of the vehicle inte- thoroughlв anН аipО Нrв аith a soПt cloth. AПtОr rior. аashing thО vОhiclО, carОПullв clОan thО joints anН 7 Therefore; ПlangОs oП thО Нoors, bonnОt anН othОr sОctions • Maintain a distance of approx. 70 cm аhОrО Нirt is likОlв to rОmain. or more between the vehicle body and the washing nozzle. 7-03
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year of production from: 2010

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