owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
The warning label/sticker is located on the Children on front passenger seat (side
outer side of the passenger’s side instrument air bag equipped models)
2. SRSAirbagwarninglabel Vehicles equipped with side air bags, will have a
side air bag warning label attached to the vehicle’s
The warning label is located on the surface ofinterior as shown in the (previous) illustration.
the sun visor. This label warns you not to let infants or small chil-
Child restraint on front passenger seat dren sit on the front passenger’s seat as the air bag
(front passenger air bag equipped maycauseseriousinjuryincaseofdeploymentdur-
models) ing a collision.
Vehicles equipped with a front passenger air bag, NISSANrecommendsthat infants or small children
will have an air bag warning label attached to thebeseatedinachildrestraintsystemontherearseat
passenger’s side of the instrument panel as (previ-if available. According to accident statistics, chil-
ously) illustrated. dren are safer when properly restrained in the rear
seat than in the front seat.
This label mentions: AIR BAGWARNINGLIGHT
“Extreme Hazard! Do not use a rearward facing
child restraint on a seat protected by an airbag in
front of it!”
This label warns you not to fit a rear facing child
restraint on the front passenger seat without first
NPA1073 deactivating the front passenger air bag.
NISSANrecommendsthat infants or small children
Note that the above illustration is for LHD models.beseatedinachildrestraintsystemontherearseat
if available. According to accident statistics, chil-
AIR BAGWARNINGLABELS dren are safer when properly restrained in the rear SPA1097Z
Warninglabels about the air bag system are placed seat than in the front seat.
in the vehicle. Warning labels are for your safety andWhen installing child restraints in your vehicle, al-The Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) air bag
the safety of your passengers; do not remove them.ways carefully observe the manufacturer’s instruc-warning light, displaying in the instrument
1. SRSFrontpassenger air bag warning label/ tions. For more details on the installation of childpanel, monitors the circuits of the front air bag sys-
sticker restraints, see “Child restraints” later in this section.tem, side and curtain air bag systems (where fitted)
and pre-tensioner seat belt system. The circuits
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-13

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year of production from: 2006

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