owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
monitored by the SRS air bag warning light are: allhasoccurred.Repairandreplacementoftheairbag
sensors, air bag modules and all related wiring, andsystem should be done only by a NISSAN dealer or
the pre-tensioner seat belt. qualified workshop.
After turning the ignition switch to the ON or Whenmaintenanceworkisrequiredonthevehicle,
START position, the supplemental air bag warn- the air bag systems, related parts and pre-tensioner
inglightilluminates.Theairbagwarninglightwill seat belt should be pointed out to the person con-
turn off after approximately 7 seconds if the sys-ducting the maintenance. The ignition switch should
temis operational. always be in the LOCK position when working un-
If any of the following conditions occurs, the front airder the bonnet or inside the vehicle.
bag, side and curtain air bag systems (where fitted) NPA732Z
and pre-tensioner seat belt need servicing and WARNING
should be taken to the nearest NISSAN dealer or • Once the air bag has inflated or the pre-ten- Note that the above illustration is for LHD models.
qualified workshop: sioner seat belt has been activated, the air FRONTPASSENGERAIRBAG
• The SRS air bag warning light remains on after bag module and pre-tensioner seat belt will INDICATORLIGHT
approximately 7 seconds. not function again and must be replaced. The
air bag module should be replaced by a
• The SRS air bag warning light flashes intermit- NISSANdealerorqualified workshop. The air WARNING
tently. bagmodulecannotberepaired. • Since your vehicle is equipped with a front
• TheSRSairbagwarninglightdoesnotcomeon • All air bag systems should be inspected by a passengerairbag,itisnotpermittedtoinstall
at all. NISSANdealer or qualified workshop if there a rear facing child restraint on the front pas-
Under these conditions, the front air bags, side and is any damage to the front end portion of the sengerseatunlessthefrontpassengerairbag
curtain air bags (where fitted) and/or pre-tensioner vehicle. has been previously deactivated.
seat belt will not operate properly. They must be • Whensellingyourvehicle,werequestthatyou • Donotfit a rear facing child seat on the front
checked and repaired. informthebuyerabouttheairbagsystemand passengerseatiftheairbagactivation/deac-
Repair and replacement procedure guidethebuyertotheappropriatesectionsin tivation system is malfunctioning. Your ve-
this Owner’s Manual. hicle must be immediately taken to a NISSAN
The front air bags, side air bags (where fitted), cur-• If you need to dispose of an air bag or scrap dealer or qualified workshop in such situa-
tain air bags (where fitted) and pre-tensioner seat thevehicle, contact a NISSAN dealer or quali- tion.
belt are designed to activate on a one-time-only ba- fied workshop. Correct air bag disposal pro- The front passenger air bag indicator light lo-
sis. As a reminder, unless it is damaged, the air bagcedures are set forth in the appropriate cated on the centre console illuminates for approxi-
warning light will remain illuminated after inflationNISSAN Service Manual. Incorrect disposal mately7secondsandthengoesoff.Thismeansthe
procedures could cause personal injury. system is operational.
1-14 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2006

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