owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Supplemental side air bags, along with the use of • Tamperingwiththeairbagsystemmayresult
seat belts, help to cushion the impact force on the inseriouspersonalinjury.Tamperingincludes
chest of the front occupants. Curtain air bags help making changes to the steering wheel and
to cushion the impact force to the head of occu- theinstrumentpanelassemblybyplacingma-
pants in the front and rear outer seating positions. terial over the steering pad and above the
They can help save lives and reduce serious inju- dashboard,orbyinstallingadditionaltrimma-
ries. However, an inflating side air bag and curtain terial around the air bag system.
air bag may cause abrasions or other injuries. • Do not attach any objects to the steering
Supplemental side air bags and curtain air bags do wheelpadortotheinstrumentpanel.Objects
not provide restraint to the lower body. attached to the steering wheel pad and in-
The seat belts should be correctly worn and the strument panel may become dangerous pro-
Side and curtain air bags (where fitted) driver and passenger seated upright, and as far as jectiles and cause injury if the air bag inflates.
is practical, away from the side air bag. Rear seat• Workonandaroundtheairbagsystemshould
The supplemental side air bags are located in the passengers should be seated as far away as practi- bedonebyaNISSANdealerorqualifiedwork-
outside of the seatback of the front seats. The cal from the door finishers and side roof rails. The shop. Installation of electrical equipment
supplementalcurtain air bags are located in the roofside air bags and curtain air bags inflate quickly inshould be done by a NISSAN dealer or quali-
side trims. The supplemental side air bags and cur-order to help protect the front occupants. Because fied workshop. The yellow SRS wiring har-
tain air bags are designed to inflate in higher sever-of this, the force of the side air bag and curtain airnesses* should not be modified or discon-
ity side collisions, although they may inflate if thebag inflating can increase the risk of injury if thenected. Unauthorised electrical test equip-
forcesinanothertypeofcollisionaresimilartothose occupant is too close to, or is against, these air bagmentandprobingdevicesshouldnotbeused
of a higher severity side impact. They are designedmodules during inflation. The side air bag and cur- ontheair bag system.
to inflate on the side where the vehicle is impacted.tain air bag will deflate quickly after the collision is*SRSwiringharnessesarecoveredwithyellow
They may not inflate in certain side collisions. Ve-over. insulation either just before the harness con-
hicle damage (or lack of it) is not always an indica- nectors or on the complete harness, for an
tion of proper supplemental side air bag operation. WARNING easy identification.
Whenthesupplemental side air bag and curtain air • Directly after inflation, several air bag system
bag inflate, a fairly loud noise may be heard, fol- components will be hot. Do not touch them;
lowed by a release of smoke. This smoke is not you may severely burn yourself.
harmful and does not indicate a fire. However, care• Nounauthorisedchangesshouldbemadeto
should be taken not to inhale it, as it may cause irri-any components or wiring of the air bag sys-
tation and choking. Those with a history of a breath-tem. This is to prevent accidental inflation of
ing condition should get fresh air promptly. the air bag or damage to the air bag system.
1-12 Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system

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year of production from: 2006

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