owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
– Oncomingvehicles ● The camera unit is designed to ignore
– A vehicle approaching rapidly frommost stationary objects, however ob-
behind. For additional information,jects such as guardrails, walls, foliage
refer to “BSW driving situations” inand parked vehicles may occasionally
this section. bedetected. This is a normal operating
– A vehicle which your vehicle over-● The camera unit may detect the re-
takesrapidly.Foradditionalinforma-flected image of vehicles or roadside
tion, refer to “BSW driving situa-objects that are not actually in the de-
tions”in this section. tection zone, especially when the road
– A vehicle that merges or changesis wet.
lanes rapidly directly next to yourBSWDRIVINGSITUATIONS
● The camera unit may not be able toAnother vehicle approaching from SSD1026
detect property when your vehicle trav-behind The Blind Spot indicator light illuminates if a
els beside the middle section of a ve- vehicle enters the detection zone from behind in
hicle with long wheelbase (e.g. trailer an adjacent lane.
truck, semi-trailer, tractor). However, if the overtaking vehicle is traveling
● The camera detection zone is designed much faster than your vehicle, the indicator light
based on a standard lane width. When maynotilluminate before the detected vehicle is
driving in a wider lane, the camera unit besideyourvehicle.Alwaysusethesideandrear
may not detect vehicles in an adjacent mirrors and turn and look in the direction your
lane. Whendrivinginanarrowlane,the vehicle will move to ensure it is safe to change
cameraunitmaydetectvehiclesdriving lanes.
twolanes away.
5-26 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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