owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
– When the road surface is very darkBSW/LDWTEMPORARYDISABLED
● The camera unit may not be able todue to weak ambient light or im-STATUS
detect properly under the followingpaired tail lamp.Under the following condition, the BSW and/or
conditions: – WhentravelingclosetothevehicleinLDWsystemis turned off temporarily, the BSW
– On roads where there are multiplefrontofyou,whichobstructsthelanelight and/or LDW light will blink, and either of the
parallel lane markers; lane markerscameraunit detection range.following message will appear in the vehicle in-
that are faded or not painted clearly;– When rain, snow, dirt or object ad-formation display:
yellow painted lane markers; non-herestothewindshieldinfrontofthe● “Trunk is open”
standardlanemarkers;orlanemark-lane camera unit.
ers covered with water, dirt, snow,– When the headlights are not bright● “Washerfluid is low”
etc. duetodirtonthelensoriftheaimingWhentheaboveconditionsarecorrected,theBSW
– On roads where the discontinuedis not adjusted properly.and/or LDW system will resume automatically.
lane markers are still detectable.– When strong light enters the laneBSW/LDWAUTOMATIC
– On roads where there are sharpcamera unit. (For example, the lightDEACTIVATION
curves. directly shines on the front of the
– On roads where there are sharplyvehicle at sunrise or sunset).When dirt, rain or snow cannot be removed by
contrasting objects, such as shad-– Whenasuddenchangeinbrightnessthe automatic washer and blower and accumu-
ows, snow, water, wheel ruts, seamsoccurs. (For example, when the ve-lates on the camera, making it impossible to
or lines remaining after road repairs.hicleentersorexitsatunnelorunderdetectthevehiclesorthelanemarkers,theBSW
(The LDW system could detect thesea bridge). and/or LDW system will be turned off automati-
items as lane markers.) cally. The BSW light (white) and/or LDW light
(orange) will blink, and the “Unavailable : Clean
– On roads where the traveling lane rearcamera”willappearinthevehicleinformation
mergesorseparates. display.
– When the vehicle’s traveling direc- Action to take:
tion does not align with the lane If the messageappears,parkthevehicleinasafe
marker. place, clean the camera unit with a soft cloth.
Then turn off and restart the engine.
Starting and driving 5-29

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year of production from: 2013

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