owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
The Blind Spot Warning (BSW) system helps ● The LDW system is only a warning de-
alert the driver of other vehicles in adjacent lanes vicetohelpinformthedriverofapoten-
whenchanging lanes. tial unintended lane departure. It will
The Lane Departure Warning (LDW) system not steer the vehicle or prevent loss of
helpsalert the driver when the vehicle is traveling control.Itisthedriver’sresponsibilityto
close to either the left or the right of a traveling stay alert, drive safely, keep the vehicle
lane. inthetravelinglane,andbeincontrolof
the vehicle at all times.
● Thecameraunitmaynotfunctionprop-
erly under the following conditions:
– Whentowingatrailer.
– Whenstronglight enters the camera
LSD2187 unit. (e.g. light directly shines on the
TheBSW/LDWsystemsusetherearviewmoni- rear of the vehicle at sunrise or
tor camera unit 1 with automatic washer and
– When ambient brightness changes
blower. suddenly. (e.g. when the vehicle en-
WARNING ters or exits a tunnel or passes under
a bridge.)
● The BSW system is not a replacement● If the camera lens is excessively dirty,
for proper driving procedure and is notthe automatic washer may not be able
designed to prevent contact with ve-to completely clean the lens. This could
hicles or objects. When changinglanes,result in the camera not detecting ve-
always use the side and rear mirrorshicles or lane markers.
and turn and look in the direction you
will move to ensure it is safe to change
lanes. Never rely solely on the BSW
Starting and driving 5-23

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year of production from: 2013

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