owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
the belt operation. Grasp the shoulder belt and pullWARNINGpropriate NISSAN Service Manual. Incorrect
quickly forward. The retractor should lock and re- disposal procedurescouldcausepersonalin-
strict further belt movement.• Thepre-tensioner seat belt cannot be reusedjury.
If the retractor does not lock during these checks orafter activation. It must be replaced togetherThefront seat pre-tensioner seat belt system is acti-
if you have any questions about the seat belt opera-with the retractor as a unit.vated in conjunction with the front air bag system. It
tion see a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.• If the vehicle is involved in a frontal collisionhelps tighten the seat belt when the vehicle is in-
SEATBELTMAINTENANCE butthepre-tensionerisnotactivated,besurevolved in certain types of collisions by restraining
to have the pre-tensioner system checkedthe seat occupants via the seat belt retractor.
• To clean the seat belt webbings, apply a mildand, if necessary, replaced by a NISSANThe pre-tensioner is encased with the seat belt’s
soap solution or any solution recommended fordealer or qualified workshop.retractor. These seat belts are used in the same way
cleaning upholstery or carpets. Then brush it,• Nounauthorisedchangesshouldbemadetoas conventional seat belts.
Do not allow the seat belts to retract until theyseat belt system. This is to prevent accidentalAdditionally, the driver’s side pre-tensioner seat belt
are completely dry. activation of the pre-tensioner seat belt orsystem is also equipped with a lap pre-tensioner.
• If dirt builds up in the shoulder belt guide of thedamagetothepre-tensioner seat belt opera-Both the retractor pre-tensioner and lap pre-ten-
seat belt anchors, the seat belts may retracttion. Tampering with the pre-tensioner seatsioner provide significant protection against injury in
slowly.Wipetheshoulderbeltguidewithaclean,belt system may result in serious personal in-an accident and increase the safety performance of
dry cloth. jury. your vehicle.
• Periodically check to see whether the seat• Workonandaroundthepre-tensionersystemWhenthe pre-tensioner seat belt system activates,
belt and the metal components such as buck-should be done by an authorised NISSANsmoke is released and a loud noise may be heard.
les, tongues, retractors, flexible wires and an-dealer or qualified workshop. Installation ofThe smoke is harmless, but care should be taken
chors work properly. If loose parts, deteriora-electrical equipmentshouldalsobedonebyanot to inhale it as it may cause irritation and choking.
tion, cuts or other damage to the webbing isNISSAN dealer or qualified workshop. Unau-When the ignition switch is in the ON or START
found, the entire belt assembly should be re-thorised electrical test equipment and prob-position, the Supplemental Restraint System (SRS)
placed. ing devices should not be used on the pre-air bag warning light will illuminate. The SRS air bag
tensioner seat belt system.warning light will turn off after approximately 7 sec-
• If you need to dispose of the pre-tensioner orondsifthesystemisoperational.Ifanyofthefollow-
scrapthevehicle,contactaNISSANdealeroring conditions occur, the air bag and/or pre-ten-
qualified workshop. Correct pre-tensionersionerseatbeltneedservicingandyourvehiclemust
disposal procedures are set forth in the ap-be taken to the nearest NISSAN dealer or qualified
Safety — seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system1-9

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year of production from: 2006

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