owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● Unsecuredcargocanbethrownaround● Lower your speed when encountering● DonotattempttotestaAWDequipped
when driving over rough terrain. Prop-strongcrosswinds.Withahighercentervehicle on a 2-wheel dynamometer
erly secure all cargo so it will not beofgravity,yourNISSANismoreaffected(such as the dynamometers used by
thrown forward and cause injury to youby strong side winds. Slower speedssome states for emissions testing), or
or your passengers. ensure better vehicle control.similar equipment even if the other two
● To avoid raising the center of gravity● Do not drive beyond the performancewheelsareraised off the ground. Make
excessively, do not exceed the ratedcapability of the tires, even with AWDsure you inform test facility personnel
capacityoftheroofrack(ifsoequipped)engaged. that your vehicle is equipped with AWD
andevenly distribute the load. before it is placed on a dynamometer.
● For AWD equipped vehicles, do not at-Using the wrong test equipment may
● Secureheavyloadsinthecargoareaastempt to raise two wheels off theresult in drivetrain damage or unex-
far forward and as low as possible. Doground and shift the transmission topected vehicle movement which could
not equip the vehicle with tires largerany drive or reverse position with theresult in serious vehicle damage or per-
thanspecifiedinthismanual.Thiscouldengine running. Doing so may result insonal injury.
cause your vehicle to roll over.drivetrain damage or unexpected ve-● When a wheel is off the ground due to
● Do not grip the inside or spokes of thehicle movement which could result inan unlevel surface, do not spin the
steering wheel when driving off-road.serious vehicle damage or personalwheel excessively.
The steering wheel could move sud-injury.
denly and injure your hands. Instead ● Accelerating quickly, sharp steering
drive with your fingers and thumbs on maneuvers or sudden braking may
the outside of the rim. cause loss of control.
● Before operating the vehicle, ensure ● If at all possible, avoid sharp turning
that the driver and all passengers have maneuvers, particularly at high speeds.
their seat belts fastened. Your NISSAN vehicle has a higher cen-
ter of gravity than a passenger car. The
● Alwaysdrivewiththefloormatsinplace vehicle is not designed for cornering at
as the floor may become hot. the same speeds as passenger cars.
Starting and driving 5-9

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year of production from: 2013

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