text version of content this owner's manual page
from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Checking and refilling levels
diesel engines together, it means that the oil●Avoid mixing it with oil for fixed service in-Only VW 507 00 engine oil, with reduced ash
an be uor both types of engines.tervals. formation, may be used in diesel enginesat
c sed f
equipped with particulate filter. Using other
●Only in exceptional circumstances, if the al
We recommend that the oil change indicated
types of oil will cause a higher soot concen-
engine oil level is too low ››› page 272 and
in the Maintenance Programme, be per-
tration and reduce the life of the DPF. There-
LongLife oil is not available, it is permitted to
formed by a technical service or specialised ec
top up (once) with oil for fixed service inter-
vals ››› page 56 (up to a maximum of 0.5
●Avoid mixing this oil with other engine oils.
The correct oil specifications for your engine
are listed in the ››› page 56. ●
Only in exceptional circumstances, if thee
engine oil level is too low ››› page 272 and
Fixed service intervals*
Service intervals you cannot obtain the oil specified for yourAdv
If your vehicle does not have the “LongLife
vehicle, you can use a small quantity of oil
Service intervals can be flexible (LongLife
service interval” or it has been disabled (by
(once) conforming to the VW 506 00,
service) or fixed (dependent on time/dis-
request), you may use oils for fixed service
VW 506 01, VW 505 00, VW 505 01 or
tance travelled).
intervals, which also appear in
ACEA B3/ACEA B4 specification. (up to 0.5 l).
››› page 56. In this case, your vehicle
If the PR code that appears on the back of the
must be serviced after a fixed interval of 1
Maintenance Programme booklet is PR QI6,
year/15,000 km (10,000 miles)(whatever
this means that your vehicle has the LongLife
Before a long trip, we recommend finding an
comes first) ››› Booklet Maintenance Pro-
service program. If it lists the codes QI1, QI2,
engine oil
that conforms to the correspond-
QI3, QI4 or QI7, the interval service is de-
ing VW specifications and recommend keep-
pendent on the time/distance travelled. s
ing it in the vehicle. This way, the correct en-
●In exceptional circumstances, if the engine
gine oil will always be available for a top-up if
oil level is too low ››› page 272 and you can-
Flexible service intervals (LongLife service enc
not obtain the oil specified for your vehicle,
you can add a small quantity of oil conform-
Special oils and processes have been devel-
ing to the specification ACEA A2 or ACEA A3
oped which, depending on the characteris- Warning lamp
(petrol engines) or ACEA B3 or ACEA B4 (die-
tics and individual driving profiles, enable
sel engines) (up to 0.5 l).
the extension of the oil change service (Long- If this warning lamp is red it indicates
Life service intervals). that the engine oil pressure is too low.ety
Vehicles with diesel particulate filter*
Because this oil is essential for extending the If this warning symbol starts to flash, and is
The Maintenance Programme states whether
service intervals, it must only be used ob- accompanied by three audible warnings,
your vehicle is fitted with a diesel particulate
serving the following indications: switch off the engine and check the oil level.
If necessary, add more oil ››› page 272.»
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