owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
– Cover the coolant expansion tank cap with
● Never open the bonnet if you can see or safe place out of reach of children. Failure to
a cloth and carefully unscrew it to the left
hear steam or coolant escaping from the en- comply could result in poisoning.
››› .
gine compartment. Risk of scalding. Wait un-
● If working inside the engine compartment,
til you can no longer see or hear escaping
– remember that, even when the ignition is
Top up the coolant only if there is still cool-
steam or coolant.
switched off, the radiator fan may start up au-
in the e
ant xpansion tank, otherwise you
● The engine compartment is a dangerous tomatically, and therefore there is a risk of in-
could damage the engine. If there is no
area. Before carrying out any work in the en- jury.
coolant in the expansion tank, do not con-
gine compartment, switch off the engine and
tinue driving. You should obtain professio-
allow it to cool down. Always note the corre-
nal assistance ››› . WARNING
sponding warnings ››› page 267.
– If there is still some coolant in the expan-If there is not enough anti-freeze in the cool-
system, the engine may fail leading to se-
sion tank, top up to the upper mark.
rious damage.
Topping up coolant –
Top up with coolant until the level becomes
● Please make sure that the percentage of
additive is correct with respect to the lowest
Read the additional information carefully
– Screw the cap back on correctly.expected ambient temperature in the zone in
››› page 56
which the vehicle is to be used.
Top up coolant when the level is below theAny loss of coolant fluid normally indicates a
● When the outside temperature is very low,
MIN (minimum) mark. leak in the cooling system. Take the vehicle
the coolant could freeze and the vehicle
straight to a specialised workshop to have
would be immobilised. In this case, the heat-
the cooling system examined. If there are no
Checking coolant level ing would not work either and inadequately
leaks in the engine cooling system, a loss ofdressed passengers could die of cold.
– Park the vehicle in a horizontal position.
coolant can only occur if the coolant boils
– Switch the ignition off.and is forced out of the system as a result of
– Read off the coolant level on coolant ex-
Do not top up the expansion tank with cool-
pansion tank. When the engine is cold, the
ant fluid if it is empty! Air could enter the
coolant level should be between the marks.
cooling system. In this case, stop driving.
● The cooling system is under pressure. Do
When the engine is hot, it may be slightly
Seek specialist assistance. Otherwise, there
not unscrew the cap on the coolant expan-
above the upper mark. is a risk of engine damage.
sion tank when the engine is hot: risk of
Topping up coolant
● The antifreeze and coolant fluid can be a
– Wait for the engine to cool down.
health hazard. Therefore, the antifreeze
should be stored in the original container in a
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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