owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
The tyres could also have the following infor-
For the sake of the environment ● Never use old tyres or those with an un-a
mation: at
known “history of use”.
Under-inflated tyres will increase fuel con- d
● al
If wheel trims are retrofitted, you must en-
sumption. ●
A direction of rotation symbol
sure that the flow of air to the brakes is not
●“Reinforced” denotes heavy-duty tyres.
restricted. This could cause the brake system
to overheat.
The manufacturing date is also indicated on
New tyres and wheels
● All four wheels must be fitted with radial
the tyre sidewall (possibly only on the inner
tyres of the same type, size (rolling circumfer-
side of the wheel).
New tyres and wheels have to be run in.
ence) and the same tread pattern.
“DOT . 1116 .” means, for example, that
The tyres and wheel rims are an essential
the tyre was produced in the 11th week of
part of the vehicle's design. Those approved
For the sake of the environment
by SEAT are specially matched to the charac-
Old tyres must be disposed of according to
teristics of the vehicle and make a major con-
We recommend that work on tyres and
the laws in the country concerned.
tribution to good road-holding and safe han-
wheels be carried out by a Technical Service.
dling .
They are familiar with the procedure and
Note ation
have the necessary special tools and spare
Tyres should be replaced at least in pairs and
parts as well as the proper facilities for dis-● A SEAT Service Centre should be consulted
not individually (i.e. both front tyres or both
posing of the old tyres. to find out whether wheels or tyres of differ-
rear tyres together). A knowledge of tyre des-
ent sizes to those originally fitted by SEAT
ignations makes it easier to choose the cor-
Any technical service has full information on
can be fitted, and to find out about the com-
rect tyres. Radial tyres have the tyre designa-
the technical requirements when installing or
binations allowed between the front axle
tions marked on the sidewall, for example:
changing tyres, wheels or wheel trims.
(axle 1) and the rear axle (axle 2).
195/55 R16 91V g
● For technical reasons, it is not generally
possible to use the wheels from other vehi-
This contains the following information:
● We recommend that you use only wheelscles. This can also apply to wheels of the
and tyres which have been approved by SEATsame model. The use of wheels or tyres
195 Tyre width in mm
for your model. Failure to do so could impairwhich have not been approved by SEAT for
55 Height/width ratio in %
vehicle handling. Risk of accident.use with your model may invalidate the vehi-
R Tyre construction: Radial cle's type approval for use on public roads.
● Avoid running the vehicle on tyres that are
16 Rim diameter in inches ● If the spare tyre is not the same as theSaf
more than 6 years old. If you have no alterna-
tive, you should drive slowly and with extratyres that are mounted on the vehicle (e.g.
91 Load rating code
care at all times. winter tyres) you should only use the spare
V Speed rating
tyre for a short period of time and drive with»
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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