owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Menusandsubmenus 255
Setting the brightness the Wsymbolinthemultifunctiondis-
Thebrightnessofthehead-updisplayisauto-play are shown in white.
matically adjusted to the surrounding ambi-XPresstheabuttontosavethesetting.
ent light. You can also individually adjust theFurther information on daytime running
brightness of the head-up display.lamps Daytime Running Lights displays
XSwitchonthehead-updisplay (Y page 124).
(Y page 242). and
XPresstheòbuttononthesteering Instrument cluster submenu
wheel to open the menu list. Selecting the distance unit
XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer- TheDisplay Unit Speed-/Odometerfunc-
ing wheel to select the Settings menu.tion allows you to choose whether certaincomputer
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering displays appear in kilometers or miles in the
wheel. multifunction display.
XUse:or9toselecttheHead-up XPresstheòbuttononthesteering
Display submenu. wheel to open the menu list.
XPressatoconfirm. XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer- On-board
XUsing:or9,selecttheBright‐ ing wheel to select the Settings menu.
ness function. XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering
XPresstheabuttontosavethesetting. wheel.
XPressthe:or9buttontoadjustthe XUse:or9toselecttheInstru‐
brightnesstoalevelfromLevel +5(bright)ment Cluster submenu.
to Level -5 (dark). XPressatoconfirm.
XPresstheaor%buttontosavethe XPress:or9toselecttheDisplay
setting. Unit Speed-/Odometer function.
Light submenu The current setting km or Miles appears.
Switchingthedaytimerunninglampson/The selected unit of measurement for dis-
off tance applies to:
This function is not available in Canada.RDigital speedometer in the Trip menu
XPresstheòbuttononthesteering ROdometerandthetripodometer
wheel to open the menu list. RTrip computer
XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer- RCurrentconsumptionandtherange
ing wheel to select the Settings menu.RNavigation instructions in the Navi menu
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering
wheel. RCruise Control
XUse:or9toselecttheLights RDISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssistand
submenu. Stop&GoPilot
XPressatoconfirm. RASSYSTPLUSserviceinterval display
XPressthe:or9buttontoselectthe Switching the additional speedometer
Daytime Running Lights function.on/off
If the Daytime Running Lights functionThe Additional Speedometer [km/h]
hasbeenswitchedon,theconeoflightandfunction allows you to choose whether the

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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