owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
254 Menusandsubmenus
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering
ys wheel. wheel.
laXUse:or9toselecttheDriveAs‐ XPress:or9toselecttheHead-up
p sist submenu. Display submenu.
d XPressatoconfirm. XPressatoconfirm.
andXPress:or9toselectLane Keep‐ XPress:or9toselectDisplay
ing Assist. Content.
XPressatoconfirm. XPressatoconfirm.
uterThe current selection, Standard or Adap‐Agraphic selection list appears.
p tive, appears. XPress:or9toselectthedesired
comXTochangethesetting:pressaagain. display.
For further information about Lane KeepingXPresstheabuttontoconfirmtheselec-
Assist, see (Y page 220). tion.
For further information about Active LaneAdditional information on navigation can be
Keeping Assist, see (Y page 225). found in the separate Audio 20 or COMAND
On-board operating instructions.
Head-updisplay submenu Setting the position
Selecting other displays Youcanadjust the position of the head-up
display on the windshield. You can compen-
sate for height differences if the seat posi-
tions are changed, for example.
(Y page 242).
wheel to open the menu list.
ing wheel to select the Settings menu.
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering
:Vehiclespeeddisplay wheel.
display Display submenu.
=VehiclespeeddisplayandTraffic SignXPressatoconfirm.
Assist XUsing:or9,selectthePosition
Using the Display Content function, youfunction.
can choose between four standard displays,XPresstheabuttontosavethesetting.
depending on your vehicle's equipment. TheXPressthe:or9buttontoadjustthe
selectedcontentsthenappearinthehead-uppositiontoalevelfromLevel +5toLevel
display. -5.
XPresstheòbuttononthesteering XPresstheaor%buttontosavethe
wheel to open the menu list. setting.
XPress:or9onthesteeringwheel UsingtheMemoryfunction,youcansaveand
to select the Settings menu. call up the set position of the head-up display
as a single memory preset (Y page 121).

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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