owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Menusandsubmenus 253
XPressatoconfirm. XUse:or9toselecttheDriveAs‐
The current selection appears. sist submenu.
XToactivate/deactivate: press the a XPressatoconfirm.
button again. XPress:or9toselectBlind Spot
PLUSisdeactivated, the æsymbol XPressatoconfirm.
appears in the multifunction display in theThe current selection appears.and
Assistance Graphic menu. XToactivate/deactivate: press the a er
For further information about COLLISIONbutton again. put
PREVENTIONASSISTPLUS,see(Ypage70). For further information about Blind Spot
® Assist, see (Y page 217).
Activating/deactivating PRE-SAFE com
Brake For further information about Active Blind
® Spot Assist, see (
PRE‑SAFE Brakeis only available for vehi- Ypage222).
cles with the Driving Assistance package.Setting ATTENTION ASSIST
XPresstheòbuttononthesteering XPresstheòbuttononthesteering On-board
wheel to open the menu list. wheel to open the menu list.
XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer- XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer-
ing wheel to select the Settings menu.ing wheel to select the Settings menu.
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering
wheel. wheel.
XUse:or9toselecttheDriveAs‐ XUse:or9toselecttheDriveAs‐
sist submenu. sist submenu.
XPressatoconfirm. XPressatoconfirm.
XPress:or9toselectPRE-SAFE XPress:or9toselectATTENTION
Brake. ASSIST.
XPressatoconfirm. XPressatoconfirm.
The current selection appears. XPress:or9toselectOff,Stand‐
XToactivate/deactivate: press the a ard or Sensitive.
button again. XPresstheabuttontoconfirmtheselec-
WhenPRE-SAFE tion.
æsymbolappearsinthemultifunction WhenATTENTIONASSISTisdeactivated,
displayintheAssistance Graphicmenu. the ésymbolappearsintheAssis‐
® tance Graphicmenuinthemultifunction
For more information on PRE‑SAFE Brake,display.
see (Y page 75).
Activating/deactivatingBlindSpotAssistFor further information about ATTENTION
XPresstheòbuttononthesteering ASSIST, see (
wheel to open the menu list. Setting Lane Keeping Assist
XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer- XPresstheòbuttononthesteering
ing wheel to select the Settings menu.wheel to open the menu list.
XConfirmbypressing aonthesteering XPressthe:or9buttononthesteer-
wheel. ing wheel to select the Settings menu.

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year of production from: 2015

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