owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Towingatrailer 233
Observe the following when towing a trailer:its brakes. Then increase the pressure on
RTogaindriving experience and to becomethe brake pedal.
accustomed to the new handling charac-RIf the automatic transmission repeatedly
teristics, you should practice the followingshifts between gears on uphill or downhill
in a traffic-free location: gradients, shift to a lower gear using the
-cornering left-hand steering wheel paddle shifter.
-stopping Alowergearandlowerspeedreducethe
-backing up risk of engine failure. parking
RBeforedriving, check: to utilize the engine's braking effect.
-trailer tow hitch Avoid continuous brake application as thisand
-safety switch for braked trailersmayoverheat the vehicle brakes and, if
-safety chains installed, the trailer brakes. riving
-electrical connections RIf the coolant temperature increases dra-D
-lights matically while the air-conditioning system
-wheels is switched on, switch off the air-condition-
RAdjust the exterior mirrors to provide aning system.
unobstructedviewoftherearsectionoftheCoolant heat can also be dissipated by
trailer. opening the windows and switching the
RIf the trailer has electronically controlledventilation blower and the interior temper-
brakes,pullawaycarefully.Brakemanuallyature to the highest level.
using the brake controller and checkRWhenovertaking, pay particular attention
whether the brakes function correctly.to the extended length of your vehicle/
RSecureanyobjectsonthetrailertopreventtrailer combination.
the cargo from slipping when the vehicle isDuetothelength of the vehicle/trailer
in motion. combination, you require additional road
RWhenyoucoupleupatrailer,checkatreg-space in relation to the vehicle you are
ularintervalsthattheloadisfirmlysecured.overtaking before you can change back to
If the trailer is equipped with trailer lightsthe original lane.
these are working. Decoupling a trailer
RBearinmindthatthehandlingwill be less
ing without one. Avoid sudden steeringIf you uncouple a trailer with the overrun
movements. brake engaged, you could trap your hand
RThevehicle/trailer combination is heavier,between the vehicle and the trailer drawbar.
accelerates more slowly, has a decreasedThere is a risk of injury.
gradient climbing capability and a longerDonotuncoupleatrailerif the overrun brake
braking distance. is engaged.
It is more susceptible to side winds and
requires more careful steering.!Donotdisconnectatrailerwithan
RIf possible, do not brake suddenly, butengaged overrun brake. Otherwise, your
instead depress the brake pedal moder-vehicle could be damaged by the rebound-
ately at first so that the trailer can activateing of the overrun brake.

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year of production from: 2015

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