owners manual Infiniti Q45
owners manual Infiniti Q45 - year of production: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Infiniti Q45, year of production 2001 - 2006:
2. Move the selector lever to the P (Park)The power assisted steering uses a hy- The active damper suspension controls
position. draulic pump, driven by the engine, to as-damping force and helps minimize the
3. To help prevent the vehicle from sist steering. movement of the vehicle body. It helps
rolling into the street when parked onIf the engine stops or the drive belt stable driving when the vehicle moves up
a sloping drive way, it is a good prac-breaks, you will still have control of the and down on large rolling roads or when
tice to turn the wheels as illustrated.vehicle. However, much greater steeringthe vehicle body leans during cornering
effort is needed, especially in sharp turnswith a high centrifugal force.
j or at low speeds. The damping force of the shock absorbers
Turn the wheels into the curb and can be adjusted to the level you desire.
move the vehicle forward until theWARNING Set the switch to the position you desire
curb side wheel gently touches the while the ignition switch is ON.
curb. If the engine is not running or is turned offSet the switch to the AUTO position for
O HEADED UPHILL WITH CURB: 2 normal driving. The damping force will au-
j while driving, the power assist for the
Turn the wheels away from the curbsteering will not work. Steering will betomatically adjust according to the road
and move the vehicle back until themuch harder to operate.surface and driving conditions.
curb side wheel gently touches the Set the switch to the SPORT position
curb. when you desire a firm feeling all the
CURB: 3 In the event of an electrical system
Turn the wheels toward the side of the failure, a signal stored in the system’s
road so the vehicle will move away computer memory is automatically sent to
from the center of the road if it moves. the active damper suspension control unit
and the actuators. The shock absorbers
4. Turn the ignition key to the “LOCK” now function as they would on a vehicle
position and remove the key. not equipped with the active damper sus-
pension function. Contact an INFINITI
dealer for service.
Starting and driving 5-39
Z04.4.16/F50-D X

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year of production from: 2001

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Infiniti Q45 III 3 owners manual
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