owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Driver assistance systems
Special driving situations When the ACC halts the vehicle (e.g. traffic
am), the in trument panel display shows theat
j s
ACC ready to start message. If the ve-
hicle ahead drives off again, the ACC will also
do so automatically.
If the vehicle ahead does not drive off again,
the vehicle can be kept indefinitely in the
ACC ready to start status by operating
the third lever repeatedly towards position
2 ›› Fig. 196
› or by pressing the brake pedal.
If the Press the brake message is shown
on the instrument panel, press the brake. If
you do not, an acoustic warning will be heard
and the ACC will switch to inactive mode
(Standby). At this point, the vehicle may be-
Fig. 200 (C) Vehicle changing lanes. (D) Onegin to move towards the stopped vehicleation
vehicle turning and another stationary.
ahead ››› .
Fig. 199 (A) Vehicle on a bend. (B) Motorcy-
clist ahead out of range of the radar sensor.The adaptive cruise control (ACC) has certain
y ical limitations inherent in the system.
ph s
When the turn signal lights up before the ve-s
For example, certain reactions of the ACC, in
hicle begins an overtaking manoeuvre, the
certain circumstances, may be unexpected or
ACC accelerates the vehicle automaticallyenc
come late from the driver's point of view. So g
and thus reduces the distance from the vehi-
pay attention in order to intervene if necessa-
cle in front.
When the vehicle enters the overtaking lane,
For example, the following traffic situations
if the ACC does not detect another vehicle in
call for the utmost attention:
front, it accelerates until it reaches the pro-
grammed speed and maintains it.
Starting driving after a stopping phase (only
vehicles with automatic gearbox)System acceleration can be interrupted at
any time by pressing the brake or moving the
After a stopping phase, the ACC may begin
third lever backwards ››› page 213.»
driving automatically when the vehicle in
front drives off ››› .
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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