owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
which means exceeding or not reaching theThe adaptive cruise control (ACC) has a func-ing lane. In this case, slower vehicles will be
s ible engine speed. The ACC switchesats avoid overtaking while drivingovertaken on the right.
permi s tion th help
itself off. A buzzer warning is heard.in inside lanes at certain speeds.
●In case of heavy rain, snow or spray, as the
vehicle in front might not be detected proper-
If another vehicle is detected travelling at a
ACC: clutch pressed
ly or, in certain circumstances, might not be
slower speed in an outer lane, it is displayed
detected at all.
Vehicles with a manual gearbox: pressing theon the multifunction display ››› Fig. 198.
clutch pedal for longer abandons control
To avoid overtaking while driving in an inside
lane the system will gently brake, and in ac-
If the ACC does not switch off in the situa-
cordance with the speed will prevent the car
Door open tions described, serious accidents and inju-
from overtaking. The driver can override this
ries may occur.
Vehicles with automatic gearbox: the ACCfunction at any time by pressing the accelera-
● Always switch off the ACC in critical situa-
cannot be activated with the vehicle station-tor pedal. At low speeds the function is inac-
ary and the door open. tive, for greater comfort in a traffic jam or in
city traffic.
Function for preventing overtaking in
If you do not switch off the ACC in the afore-
an inside lane Deactivating the Adaptive Cruise Con-
mentioned situations, you may commit a le-
trol ACC temporarily in certain situa-gal offence.
In the following situations the Adaptive
Cruise Control (ACC) should be deactivated
due to the system's limitations ››› :
●When changing lanes, on tight bends and
roundabouts, in acceleration and decelera-
tion lanes on motorways or in sections with
road works to prevent involuntary accelera-
tion to reach the programmed speed.
Fig. 198 On the instrument panel display:
●When going through a tunnel, as operation
ACC active, vehicle detected in an outer lane.
could be affected.
●On roads with several lanes, when other ve-
hicles are driving more slowly in the overtak-
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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