owners manual Seat Arona
owners manual Seat Arona - year of production: 2017 - Seat Arona owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Seat Arona, year of production 2017:
Driving through a bend Other vehicles changing lanesFactors that may affect how the radar sensor
erin xiting bends, the radar sen-Vehicles changing lanes a short distance
On entg or e
sor may no longer determine the vehicle inaway from your own can only be detectedIf laser sensor operation is impaired, due to
front or react to a vehicle in the adjacent lanewhen they are within range of the sensors.heavy rain, spray, snow or mud, the ACC is
››› Fig. 199 A. In these situations the vehicleConsequently, the ACC will take longer to re-deactivated temporarily. The relevant text
may brake unnecessarily or fail to react to re-act ››› Fig. 200 C. In these cases, you shouldmessage will appear in the dash panel dis-
act to the vehicle in front. In this case, thebrake as necessary.play. If necessary, clean the radar sensor.
driver has to intervene by accelerating or in-
When the radar sensor begins to operate
terrupting the braking process by applyingStationary vehicles
properly again, the ACC will automatically be
the brake or pushing the third lever back-
The ACC does not detect stationary objectsavailable again. The message on the instru-
wards ››› page 213.
while driving, such as traffic tails or damagedment panel screen will switch off and the ACC
vehicles. will be reactivated again.
Driving in tunnels
If a vehicle detected by the ACC turns orACC operation may be affected by a strong ra-
When driving through tunnels the radar sen-
moves over and there is a stationary vehicledar reverse reflection, for example in a closed
sor may be limited. Switch off the ACC in tun-
in front of it, the ACC will not react to itcar park.
››› Fig. 200 D. In these cases, you should
brake as necessary.
Trailer mode
Narrow or misaligned vehicles
When driving with trailer the ACC controls
The radar sensor can only detect narrow or
Vehicles driving in the opposite direction
less dynamically.
misaligned vehicles when they are within
and vehicles crossing your path
range ››› Fig. 199 B. This applies particularly
The ACC does not react to vehicles approach-
Overheated brakes
to narrow vehicles such as motorbikes. In
ing from the opposite direction or vehicles
these cases, you should brake as necessary. If the brakes overheat, for example after
crossing your path.
abrupt braking or in long and steep slopes,
the ACC may be deactivated temporarily. The
Vehicles with special loads and accessories
Metal objects
relevant text message will appear in the dash
Special loads and accessories of other vehi-
Metal objects, e.g. rails on the road or sheetspanel display. In this case, adaptive cruise
cles that jut out over the sides, backwards or
used in road works, can confuse the radarcontrol cannot be activated.
over the top may be out of the ACC's range.
sensor and cause the ACC to react wrongly.
Adaptive cruise control can be reactivated
Switch off the ACC when driving behind vehi-
once brake temperature has cooled suffi-
cles with special loads and accessories or
ciently. The message will disappear from the
when overtaking them. In these cases, you
instrument panel display. If the message ACC
should brake as necessary.
not available remains on for quite a long
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year of production from: 2017
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Seat Arona owners manual
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