owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving systems 203
er's side are displayed as soon as the turn
signal on the driver's side is activated. When
Active Parking Assist by pressing the ag
button on the multifunction steering wheel.
The system automatically determines
whether the parking space is parallel or at
right angles to the direction of travel.parkin
Aparking space is displayed while you ared
driving past it, and until you are approx-an
:Detectedparkingspaceontheleft imately 50 ft (15 m) away from it.g
;Parkingsymbol n
=Detectedparkingspaceontheright Parking ivi
ActiveParkingAssistisswitchedonautomat-GWARNING D
ically when driving forwards. The system isIf you leave the vehicle when it is only being
operational at speeds of up to approximatelybraked by Active Parking Assist it could roll
system independently locates and measures
parking spaces on both sides of the vehicle.Rthereis a malfunction in the system or in
Active Parking Assist will only detect parkingthe voltage supply.
spaces: Rtheelectrical system in the engine com-
Rparalleloratrightanglestothedirectionofpartment, the battery or the fuses have
travel been tampered with.
Rthat are parallel to the direction of travelRthebattery is disconnected.
and at least 59 in (1.5 m) wideRtheaccelerator pedal has been depressed,
Rthat are parallel to the direction of travele.g. by a vehicle occupant.
andatleast39.5in(1.0m)longerthanyourThere is a risk of an accident.
vehicle Before leaving the vehicle, always secure it
Rthat are at right angles to the direction ofagainst rolling away.
travel and at least 39.5 in (1.0 m) widerWhenPARKTRONICdetectsobstacles,
than your vehicle i
Note that Active Parking Assist cannotActive Parking Assist brakes automatically
i duringtheparkingprocess.Youarerespon-
measurethesizeofaparkingspaceifitisatsible for braking in good time.
right angles to the direction of travel. YouXStopthevehicle when the parking space
will need to judge whether your vehicle willsymbolshowsthedesiredparkingspacein
fit into the parking space. the instrument cluster.
Whendriving at speeds below 19 mphXShift the transmission to position R.
(30km/h),youwillseetheparkingsymbolasThe Start Park Assist?Yes: OKNo:
a status indicator in the instrument cluster.%messageappearsinthemultifunction
Whenaparking as been detected, andisplay.
arrow towards the right or the left also
appears. By default, Active Parking Assist
only displays parking spaces on the front-
passenger side. Parking spaces on the driv-

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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