owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving systems 193
Thesystemmaybeimpairedormaynotfunc-requires the driver to keep his hands on the
tion if: steering wheel and to steer himself.
Rthereis poor visibility, e.g. due to insuffi-If you do not steer yourself or if you take your
cient illumination of the road, or due tohands off the steering wheel for a prolonged
snow, rain, fog or spray period of time, the system will first alert you
Rthereis glare, e.g. from oncoming traffic,with a visual warning. A steering wheel sym-
the sun or reflections (e.g. when the roadbolappearsinthemultifunctiondisplay.Ifyou
surface is wet) have still not started to steer and have notparking
taken hold of the steering wheel after five
Rthewindshieldisdirty,foggedup,damagedseconds at the latest, a warning tone also
or covered, for instance by a sticker, in thesounds to remind you to take control of theand
vicinity of the camera vehicle.SteeringAssistandStop&GoPilotare
Rthereareno,severalorunclear lane mark-switched to passive. DISTRONIC PLUS
ings for a lane, e.g. in areas with road con-remains active.
struction work Activating Steering Assist and Stop&GoDriving
covered up, e.g. by dirt or snow
Rthedistance to the vehicle in front is too
Rthelanemarkingschangequickly, e.g.
lanes branch off, cross one another or
ger assists you by performing steering inter-
ventions if: XPressbutton;.
Ryouactively change lane Indicator lamp : lights up. The DTR+:
Ryouswitchontheturnsignal Steering Assist. On message appears
Rtakeyourhandsoffthesteeringwheelordoand Stop&Go Pilot are activated.
not steer for a prolonged period of time
iSteeringAssistandStop&GoPilotareInformation in the multifunction display
activated again automatically after a lane
change is completed.
vide any support:
tire has been detected and displayed.
Pay attention also to the important safety
notes for DISTRONIC PLUS (Y page 184).
The steering interventions are carried out
with a limited steering moment. The system

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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