owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving systems 205
position as it is maneuvering into the park-iYouwillachievethebestresults by wait-
ing space. ing for the steering procedure to complete
Ramaneuveringdistance of at least 3.3 ftbefore pulling away.
(1.0 m) must be available. If you back up after activation, the steering
ActiveParkingAssistcanonlyassistyouwithwheel is moved to the straight-ahead posi-
exitingaparkingspaceifyouhaveparkedthetion. ing
Active Parking Assist. thePARKTRONICwarningdisplays,severalpar
iIfPARKTRONICdetectsobstacles,Activetimes if necessary.
Parking Assist brakes automatically whilstOnceyouhaveexitedtheparkingspacecom-and
thevehicleexitstheparkingspace.Youarepletely, the steering wheel is moved to the
responsible for braking in good time.straight-ahead position. You hear a tone and
XStart the engine. the Park Assist Switched Off messageiving
XReleasetheelectric parking brake. appears in the multifunction display. You willDr
XSwitchontheturnsignal in the directionthen have to steer and merge into traffic on
you are pulling away. your own. PARKTRONIC is still available. You
XShift the transmission to position D or R.hasexitedtheparkingspacecompletely.This
The Start Park Assist? Yes: OK No:is useful, for example when you recognize
%messageappearsinthemultifunctionthat it is already possible to pull out of the
display. parking space.
XTocanceltheprocedure:pressthe% Canceling Active Parking Assist
button on the multifunction steering wheel
or pull away. XStopthemovementofthemultifunction
or steering wheel or steer yourself.
XToexitaparkingspaceusingActive Active Parking Assist will be canceled at
Parking Assist: press the a button ononce. The Park Assist Canceled mes-
the multifunction steering wheel. sage appears in the multifunction display.
The Park Assist Active Accelerateor
and Brake Observe Surroundings mes-XPressthePARKTRONICbutton
sage appears in the multifunction display.(Y page 200).
XLetgoofthemultifunction steering wheel.PARKTRONICisswitchedoff and Active
XPullaway,beingreadytobrakeatalltimes.Parking Assist is immediately canceled.
Donotexceedamaximumspeedof The Park Assist Canceled message
approximately6mph(10km/h)whenexit-appears in the multifunction display.
ingaparkingspace.OtherwiseActivePark-Active Parking Assist is canceled automati-
ing Assist will be canceled. cally if:
shift the transmission to position D or R.Rtheelectric parking brake is engaged
ActiveParkingAssistimmediatelysteersinRtransmission position P is selected
the other direction. The Park AssistRparking using Active Parking Assist is no
Active Accelerate and Brake longer possible
Observe Surroundingsmessageappears
in the multifunction display.

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year of production from: 2015

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