owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
204 Driving systems
XTocanceltheprocedure:pressthe% Assoonastheparkingprocedureis com-
button on the multifunction steering wheelplete, the Park Assist Switched Offmes-
or pull away. sageappearsandawarningtonesounds.The
or vehicle is now parked.
g XToparkusingActiveParkingAssist: The vehicle is kept stationary without the
presstheabuttononthemultifunctiondriver having to depress the brake pedal. The
steering wheel. braking effect is canceled when you depress
parkinThe Park Assist Active Acceleratethe accelerator pedal.
d and Brake Observe Surroundingsmes-Active Parking Assist no longer supports you
an sage appears in the multifunction display.with steering interventions and brake appli-
g XLetgoofthemultifunction steering wheel.cations. When Active Parking Assist is fin-
n XBackupthevehicle,beingreadytobrakeatished, you must steer and brake again your-
i self. PARKTRONIC is still available.
i all times.Whenbackingup,driveataspeed
r below approximately 6 mph (10 km/h).Parking tips:
OtherwiseActiveParkingAssistwillbecan-RThewayyourvehicleispositioned in the
celed. parking space after parking is dependent
Active Parking Assist brakes the vehicle toonvarious factors. These include the posi-
a standstill when the vehicle approachestion and shape of the vehicles parked in
the rear border of the parking space.frontandbehinditandtheconditionsofthe
Maneuveringmayberequiredintightpark-location. It may be the case that Active
ing spaces. Parking Assist guides you too far into a
The Park Assist Active Select D parking space, or not far enough into it. In
Observe Surroundingsmessageappearsinsomecases,itmayalsoleadyouacrossor
the multifunction display. ontothecurb.Ifnecessary,youshouldcan-
XShift the transmission to position D whileing Assist.
the vehicle is stationary. RYoucanalsoselectpreselecttransmission
ActiveParkingAssistimmediatelysteersinposition D. The vehicle redirects and does
the other direction. not drive as far into the parking space.
The Park Assist Active AccelerateShouldthetransmissionchangetakeplace
and Brake Observe Surroundingsmes-too early, the parking procedure will be
sage appears in the multifunction display.canceled. A sensible parking position can
iYouwillachievethebestresults by wait-nolonger be achdfromthis position.
ing for the steering procedure to completeExiting a parking space
before pulling away.
XDriveforwardsandbereadytobrakeatallIn order that Active Parking Assist can sup-
times. port you when you exit the parking space:
Active Parking Assist brakes the vehicle toRtheborderoftheparking space must be
a standstill when the vehicle approacheshigh enough at the front and the rear. A
the front border of the parking space.curb is too small, for example.
ing spaces. toowide,asthepositionofthevehiclemust
The Park Assist Active Select R not exceed an angle of 45° to the starting
Observe Surroundingsmessageappearsin
the multifunction display.

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year of production from: 2015

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