owners manual Alfa Romeo 156
owners manual Alfa Romeo 156 - year of production: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 - Alfa Romeo 156 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Alfa Romeo 156, year of production 1997 - 2006:
For vehicles equipped
with turbocharger in par-
ticular and for other vehi-If the Alfa Romeo CODE system does not
cles in general, revving the enginerecognise the code transmitted by the igni-When the vehicle is parked, proceed as fol-
tion key (Alfa Romeo CODE Y warninglows:
before switching off should be
avoided. light on the instrument cluster on glowing
Revving the engine serves no pur-steadily) emergency starting may be carried– Switch off the engine.
pose and consumes fuel for no rea-out using the code of the CODE card.– Engage the handbrake.
son. It may also cause damage toFor the correct procedure see the chapter– Engage first gear if the car is facing up-
the bearings on the rotor of the
“In an emergency”. hill or reverse if the car is facing downhill.
– Turn the front wheels so that the car will
immediately come to a half if the handbrakeCORRECT USE OF THE CAR
Starting by pushing, tow-slips.
WARNING If the engine turns off withing or running downhill
must absolutely be
the car on the move, the next time it is
started, the Alfa Romeo CODE warning lightavoided. These manoeuvres may
cause fuel to flow into the catalystTo avoid useless con-
Ymay turn on. In this case, check that
switching off and starting the engine againand damage it irreparably.sumption of power and
with the car stationary, the warning light possible draining the bat-
stays off. If not, contact Alfa Romeo Au- tery, never leave the ignition key
thorized Services. in the MAR position when the en-
gine is not running.
Remember that the servo- WARNING
brake and power steering Never leave children unat-
are not activated until the enginetended in the car. Always
is started, therefore considerably remove the key from the ignition
greater effort is required on the
when leaving the car and take it
brake pedal and steering wheel.
with you.

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year of production from: 1997

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