owners manual Nissan Micra
owners manual Nissan Micra - year of production: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Micra, year of production 2013 - 2017:
and then crank the engine. Release theAUTOMATICTRANSMISSION(ifsoCAUTION
key and the accelerator pedal when theequipped)
engine starts. ● Do not downshift abruptly on slippery
● If the engine is very hard to start becauseTheAutomaticTransmission(A/T)inyourvehicleroads. This may cause a loss of control.
itis flooded, depress the acceleratoris electronically controlled to produce maximum● Never shift to either the P (Park) or R
pedal all the way to the floor and hold it.power and smooth operation.(Reverse) position while the vehicle is
Crank the engine for 5-6 seconds. AfterTherecommendedoperatingproceduresforthismoving. This could cause serious dam-
cranking the engine, release the accel-transmission are shown on the following pages.agetothetransmission.
erator pedal. Crank the engine with yourFollow these procedures for maximum vehicle● Except in an emergency, do not shift to
footofftheacceleratorpedalbyplac-performance and driving enjoyment.the N (Neutral) position while driving.
ing the ignition in the START position. CoastingwiththetransmissionintheN
Releasethekeywhentheenginestarts.IfWARNING (Neutral) position may cause serious
the engine starts, but fails to run, repeatdamagetothetransmission.
the above procedure.● Do not depress the accelerator pedal
while shifting from P (Park) or N (Neu-● StarttheengineineithertheP(Park)or
CAUTION tral) to R (Reverse), D (Drive), 2 or 1.N(Neutral)position.Theenginewillnot
Do not operate the starter for more thanAlways depress the brake pedal untilstart in any other position. If it does,
15 seconds at a time. If the engine doesshifting is completed. Failure to do sohaveyourvehiclecheckedbyaNISSAN
not start, turn the key off and wait 10 sec-could cause you to lose control anddealer.
ondsbeforecrankingagain,otherwisethehave an accident.● Shift into the P (Park) position and ap-
starter could be damaged.● The cold engine idle speed is high, soply the parking brake when at a stand-
usecautionwhenshiftingthetransmis-still for longer than a short waiting
4. Allow the engine to idle for at least 30 sec-sion into a forward or reverse positionperiod.
onds after starting. Do not race the enginebefore the engine has warmed up.● Keep the engine at idling speed while
while warming it up. Drive at moderate● Avoid revving up the engine while theshifting from the N (Neutral) position to
speedforashortdistancefirst, especially invehicle is stopped. This could cause un-any driving position.
cold weather. expected vehicle movement.
5-8 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Micra K13 FL owners manual
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