owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
182 Charging the high-voltage battery (PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles)
Highandlowoutsidetemperatures Handlingthechargingcableandcharg-
Lowoutsidetemperatures ing cable controls
At very low outside temperatures the maximumDonotleavethecharging cable controls
poweroutputofthehigh-voltagebatterymaybe(Y page 183) hanging loose from an electrical
reduced. The high-voltage battery is then nooutlet. Otherwise, this could result in a poor
longer able to provide the normal electricalcontact with the electrical outlet and malfunc-
power output. tions when charging the vehicle.
Highoutsidetemperatures Toensurethatthebracketswithinthecharging
parkingTo prevent damage to the high-voltage batterycable controls are not subjected to incorrect
duetoveryhighoutsidetemperatures,themax-loads, observe the following:
andimumpoweroutputofthehigh-voltage batteryRNeverliftorcarrythecontrolsbythecharging
is reduced by the vehicle. cable connector or the mains plug.
ingEnergyconsumptionandelectrical RTotransportthechargingcable,thecharging
rivrange cable can be:
D - wrapped around the controls or
The maximumelectrical range is generally-secured to the housing of the controls
reduced by: Heatgeneratedbythechargingcable
Rhighandlowoutsidetemperatures andchargingcableconnector
Roperating the climate control system
Rswitching on consumers Pay attention to the "Important safety notes"
The battery's physical characteristics are such(
that leaving the vehicle parked for long periodsDuringthechargingprocess,thechargingcable
atlowoutdoortemperatureswithoutchargingitand charging cable connector may heat up.
can lead to: Thecharging cable and the charging cable con-
Rareduction in battery performance nector will only heat up within the permissible
Rlonger charge times limiting values, provided that:
Notesonbatterycare not damaged
Avoid storing or transporting the vehicle atRtheinstructions for handling the charging
excessivelyhighorlowtemperaturesoveralongcable and controls on the charging cable are
period. observed
If you park the vehicle and leave it stationary forIf the charging cable or charging cable connec-
long periods: tor become too hot, have the mains power sup-
ply checked.
Rcheckthecondition of charge of the high-
voltage battery more often Protection device against overvoltage
Rconnectthevehicle to a power supply!Overvoltageinthemainssupplymaydam-
This prevents self-discharge and damage to theagethevehicle.Forthisreason,thevehicleis
high-voltage battery. equipped with a protection device against
Termsofuse overvoltage in the mains supply. This device
maybetriggered during severe thunder-
Please note the information on exceptions andstorms,forexample,andmayleadtothebuil-
limitations in warranty documentation and inding's fuse being tripped and an interruption
the Maintenance Booklet. in the power supply. These functions protect
matically. Following an interruption in the
it may take up to 10 minutes for charging to
resume automatically.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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