owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
192 Driving tips
Rtheseatbelt has been fastened Driving tips
Ryoudepresstheaccelerator pedal General driving tips
If the automatic transmission is in position R,
the trunk lid must be closed. Important safety notes
If your seat belt is not fastened, the following
conditions must be fulfilled to automaticallyGWARNING
ingrelease the electric parking brake:If you switch off the ignition while driving,
Rthedriver's door is closed. safety-relevant functions are only available
Poryouhavepreviously driven faster thanforexample,thepowersteeringandthebrake
and 2mph(3km/h). boosting effect. You will require considerably
Ensure that you do not depress the acceleratormoreefforttosteerandbrake.Thereisarisk
pedal unintentionally. Otherwise the parkingof an accident.
ivingbrake will be released and the vehicle will start
Drto move. Donotswitchoff the ignition while driving.
Emergencybraking GWARNING
The vehicle can also be braked during an emer-If you operate mobile communication equip-
gency by using the electric parking brake.mentwhiledriving,youwillbedistractedfrom
XWhiledriving, push handle : of the electrictraffic conditions. You could also lose control
parking brake ( of the vehicle. There is a risk of an accident.
The vehicle is braked as long as you keepOnlyoperatethisequipmentwhenthevehicle
handle :oftheelectric parking brakeis stationary.
pressed. The longer electric parking brake
handle:isdepressed,thegreaterthebrak-Observe the legal requirements for the country
ing force. in whichyouaredriving.Somejurisdictionspro-
During braking: hibit the driver from using a mobile phone while
Rawarningtonesounds driving a vehicle.
RthePlease Release Parking Brakemes-If you make a call while driving, always use
sage appears hands-free mode. Only operate the telephone
RtheredF(USAonly)or!(Canada whenthetraffic situation permits. If you are
only) indicator lamp in the instrument clusterunsure, pull over to a safe location and stop
flashes before operating the telephone.
Whenthevehicle has been braked to a stand-Bear in mind that at a speed of only 30 mph
still, the electric parking brake is engaged.(approximately 50 km/h), the vehicle covers a
distance of 44 ft (approximately 14 m) per sec-
Parking the vehicle for a long periodDrive sensibly – save fuel
If you leave the vehicle parked for longer thanObserve the following tips to save fuel:
four weeks, the battery may be damaged by
exhaustive discharging. XThetiresshouldalwaysbeinflatedtotherec-
If youleavethevehicleparkedforlongerthansixommendedtirepressure.
weeks, the vehicle may suffer damage as aXRemoveunnecessaryloads.
result of lack of use. XRemoveroofrackswhentheyarenotneeded.
advice. XAvoidfrequent acceleration or braking.
PLUG-INHYBRIDvehicles:observetheimpor-XHaveallmaintenanceworkcarried out as
tant safety notes for the high-voltage batteryindicated by the service intervals in the Main-
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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