owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
184 Charging the high-voltage battery (PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles)
Setting the maximum charge currentIf, after the chargingprocess,thechargingcable
If the charge current draw via a mains socketRleft connected to the power socket, the cur-
is too high during the charging process, therentlyselectedvalueswillbeusedforthenext
external electrical system may overheat.charging process.
There is a risk of fire. Rremovedfromthepowersocket,thevalues
will be reset to the minimum setting for the
Beforebeginningthechargingprocess,checknext charging process. You may then need to
parkingthe maximum permissible charge currentreset the values of the maximum charge cur-
locally. Consult a qualified expert to do sorent.
andwhere necessary. iIfthevehiclerequiresmoretimethanusual
If necessary, adjust your vehicle's settings.whencharging, check the maximum charge
current settings using the controls on the
iving!Anexcessivechargecurrentcanblowafusecharging cable or in the on-board computer's
r or lead to overheating of the external powermenu.
D supply. Check whether the external powerIndicator lamp on the vehicle socket
supply is compatible with the set charge cur-Whentheindicator lamp on the vehicle socket
rent. If necessary, lower the set charge cur-lights up, this means the following:
rent or use another power socket.
Beforestarting the charging process at a powerIndicator
current for the relevant power socket or theFlashesThe connection between the
building. orange vehicle and the current
Youcansetthemaximumpermissiblecharge source is being established
current: before charging begins.
Ronthecontrolsofthecharging cable Flashes The high-voltage battery is
Rintheon-boardcomputermenu green being charged.
(Y page 272).
The lower value of the two charge current set-Flashes redAmalfunction has occurred
tings – on the charge cable controls and in thewhile charging.
on-board computer – determines the maximum The indicator lamp goes out
charge current. If you cannot set the preciseafter approximately
maximumpermittedchargecurrent, select the 90seconds.
next lowest available value. Lights up Achargingbreakforthehigh-
Onlysetthemaximumpermittedchargecurrentorangevoltage battery is taking
in the on-board computer menu if: place.
Ritisnotpossibletosetthechargecurrenton The indicator lamp goes out
the charging cable after approximately
Rtheprecise maximumpermitted charge cur- 90seconds.
rent can only be set via the on-board com-Lights upThe high-voltage battery is
puter green fully charged.
Howtosetthemaximumpermissiblecharge The indicator lamp goes out
current on the charging cable, is described asafter approximately
follows. 90seconds.
repeatedly until the desired setting is selec-
ted in display =. iIftheindicatorlampisoff,lockorunlockthe
RTwoLEDsareflashing:minimumsettingvehicle. The indicator lamp then displays the
RAll LEDs are flashing: maximum settingcurrent status of the charging process again.
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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