owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600
owners manual Mercedes Maybach_S600 - year of production: 2014 - Mercedes Benz Maybach S600 EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes Maybach_S600, year of production 2014:
Charging the high-voltage battery (PLUG-IN HYBRID vehicles) 181
To avoid hazardous situations, observe theThe vehicle's high voltage electrical system is
following: under high voltage.
RDonottamperwiththehigh-voltage compo-
ROnlyconnectthecharging cable to mainsnentsortheorangecablesofthehigh-voltage
sockets that: electrical system.
- are installed correctly and RDonottouchhigh-voltagecomponentsorthe
- havebeenapprovedbyanelectricalspe-orange cables of the high-voltage electrical
cialist. systemwhenavehiclehasbeeninvolvedina
crash. parking
RForsafety reasons, only use the chargingRNevertouchdamagedcomponentsorthe
cables supplied with the vehicle, or charg-damagedorangecablesofthehigh-voltage
ing cables which have been approved forelectrical system. and
use with this vehicle. RDonotremovethecoversofthehigh-voltage
RNeveruseadamagedchargingcable. electrical system components that are
markedwith a warning sticker.
RDonotuse: Driving
- Extension cables
- Cable drums General notes
- Multiple sockets Methodofoperation
RDonotuseasocketadaptertoconnecttheThevehicle is equipped with a high-voltage bat-
charging cable to the mains socket. Thetery for driving. The high-voltage battery stores
only exception is if the adapter has beentheenergyneededtooperatetheelectricmotor
tested and approved by the manufacturerand releases it again.
for charging the high-voltage battery in anThe electric motor uses energy that has been
electric vehicle. stored in the high-voltage battery when pulling
RAlwaysobservethesafety notes in theaway, accelerating and during the journey.
socket adapter's operating instructions.In overrun mode, kinetic energy is converted by
meansofenergyrecuperation into electrical
GDANGER energy and stored in the high-voltage battery.
Connecting the charging cable to the vehicleInformation on overrun mode (
via an incorrectly installed wallbox or byThe high-voltage battery can be charged as fol-
meansofadapters, extension cables or simi-lows:
lar could cause a fire or an electric shock.Rthroughenergyrecuperationwhilethevehicle
There is a risk of fatal injury. is in motion
To avoid hazardous situations, observe theRthroughthecombustionenginewhile driving
in CHARGE operating mode (Y page 243)
following: Rwiththerelevantchargingcableatanelectri-
ROnlyconnectthecharging cable to a wall-cal outlet while the vehicle is stationary
box if: Ratawallboxwhilethevehicle is stationary
- the wallbox is installed correctlyRatachargingstation while the vehicle is sta-
- the wallbox has been inspected by aThe high-voltage battery can be charged in a
qualified electrician and nominal voltage range from 100 V to 240 V.
- the charging cable is undamagedYoucanviewtheconditionofchargeofthehigh-
RDonotextendthechargingcable voltagebatteryinthemultifunctiondisplay.You
can find information in "PLUG-IN HYBRID oper-
RDonotuseanadapter ation", section "Menus and submenus" under
RAlwaysobservethesafetynotesinthewall-"Energy flow display" (Y page 245).
box's operating instructions
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year of production from: 2014
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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Mercedes Benz Maybach S600
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