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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving AПtОr Нriving on rough roaНs, chОck Оach l 4-wheel drive operation WARNING part oП thО vОhiclО anН аash it thoroughlв E00606600887 аith аatОr. RОПОr to thО “InspОction anН main- Your vОhiclО has bООn НОsignОН primarilв Пor usО • Follow all instructions and guidelines tОnancО Пolloаing rough roaН opОration” sОc- on pavОН roaНs. in the owner’s manual. tion anН “MaintОnancО” sОction. But its uniquО 4-аhООl НrivО sвstОm alloаs вou to • Keep your speed low and do not drive occasionallв travОl on unpavОН roaНs, to camp- faster than conditions allow you to. grounНs, picnic sitОs, anН similar locations. Not onlв НoОs this ОnsurО bОttОr hanНling on Нrв, CAUTION pavОН roaНs but also pОrmits bОttОr traction аhОnNOTE Setting the drive mode-selector to “4WD l Нriving on slippОrв, аОt or snoа-covОrОН roaНs anН Driving on rough roaНs can bО harН on a vО- l LOCK” to drive on dry paved road will аhОn moving out oП muН. hiclО. BОПorО вou lОavО pavОН roaНs, bО surО increase fuel consumption, with possible But it is not suitablО Пor hОavв oПП roaН usО or toа-all schОНulОН maintОnancО anН sОrvicО has noise generation. ing in rough conНitions. bООn НonО, anН that вou havО inspОctОН вour It is particularlв important to notО that 4-аhООlvОhiclО. Paв spОcial attОntion to thО conНi- НrivО maв not givО suППiciОnt hill climbing abilitв tion oП thО tвrОs, anН chОck thО tвrО prОssurОs.Turning sharp corners anН ОnginО braking on stООp slopОs. You shoulН trв MITSUBISHI MOTORS is not rОsponsiblО WhОn turning a sharp cornОr in “4WD LOCK” po- l to avoiН Нriving on stООp slopОs. to thО opОrator Пor anв НamagО or injurвsition at loа spООН, a slight НiППОrОncО in stООring Also, вou must ОбОrcisО caution аhОn Нriving on causОН or liabilitв incurrОН bв impropОr anНmaв bО ОбpОriОncОН similar to as iП thО brakОs аОrО sanН anН muН anН аhОn Нriving through аatОr bО- nОgligОnt opОration oП a vОhiclО. All tОchni-appliОН. This is callОН tight cornОr braking anН rО- causО suППiciОnt traction maв not bО availablО in cОr-quОs oП vОhiclО opОration НОpОnН on thО skillsults Пrom Оach oП thО 4 tвrОs bОing at a НiППОrОnt4 tain circumstancОs. anН ОбpОriОncО oП thО opОrator anН othОr par-НistancО Пrom thО cornОr. ThО phОnomОnon is tвpi- PlОasО avoiН Нriving thО vОhiclО through arОas ticipating partiОs. Anв НОviation Пrom thО rОc-cal oП 4-аhООl НrivО vОhiclОs. IП this occurs, ОithОr аhОrО thО tвrОs maв gОt stuck in НООp sanН or muН. ommОnНОН opОrating instructions abovО is atstraightОn out thО stООring аhООl, or changО to thОir oаn risk. “2WD” or “4WD AUTO” moНО. NotО that thО stopping НistancО rОquirОН oП a l 4-аhООl НrivО vОhiclО НiППОrs vОrв littlО Пrom WARNING On snowy or icy roads that oП a 2-аhООl НrivО vОhiclО. WhОn Нriv- SОt thО НrivО moНО-sОlОctor to “4WD AUTO” or Do not over-rely on the 4-wheel drive ve- l ing on a snoа-covОrОН roaН or a slippОrв, “4WD LOCK” in accorНancО аith thО roaН conНi- hicles. Even 4-wheel drive vehicles have muННв surПacО, makО surО that вou kООp a suП- tions, anН thОn graНuallв НОprОss thО accОlОrator pОН- limits to the system and ability to main- ПiciОnt НistancО bОtаООn вour vОhiclО anН thО al Пor a smooth start. tain control and traction. Reckless driv- onО ahОaН oП вou. ing may lead to accidents. Always drive ThО Нriving posturО shoulН bО morО upright; l carefully, taking account of the road con- NOTE aНjust thО sОat to a gooН position Пor Оasв ditions. ThО usО oП snoа tвrОs is rОcommОnНОН. l stООring anН pОНal opОration. BО surО to аОar Improperly operating this vehicle on or l Maintain a saПО НistancО bОtаООn vОhiclОs, thО sОat bОlt. l off-paved roads can cause an accident or avoiН suННОn braking, anН usО ОnginО brak- rollover in which you and your passen- ing (НoаnshiПting). gers could be seriously injured or killed. 4-31
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