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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving DRIVING DOWNHILL NOTE CAUTION WhОn travОlling Нoаn stООp graНОs, thО computОr On a slopО, bО surО to applв thО parking l maв automaticallв sОlОct a loаОr shiПt position. brakО bОПorО moving thО sОlОctor lОvОr to thО Do not race the engine with brake pedal l This Пunction assists ОnginО braking ОППorts, rОНuc- “P” (PARK) position. IП вou movО thО sОlОc- pressed when the vehicle is stationary. ing thО nООН Пor using thО sОrvicО brakОs. tor lОvОr to thО “P” (PARK) position bОПorО This can damage the CVT. applвing thО parking brakО, it maв bО НiППi- Also, when you depress the accelerator Waiting cult to НisОngagО thО sОlОctor lОvОr Пrom thО pedal while holding down the brake ped- E00602800126 “P” (PARK) position аhОn nОбt вou НrivО al with the selector lever in the “D”For short аaiting pОrioНs, such as at traППic signals thО vОhiclО, rОquiring application oП a strong (DRIVE) position, the engine revolutions thО vОhiclО can bО lОПt in sОlОctor lОvОr position anН ПorcО to thО sОlОctor lОvОr to movО Пrom thО may not rise as high as when performing hОlН stationarв аith thО sОrvicО brakО. “P” (PARK) position. the same operation with the selector lever For longОr аaiting pОrioНs аith thО ОnginО running, in the “N” (NEUTRAL) position. placО thО sОlОctor lОvОr in thО “N” (NEUTRAL) po- sition anН applв thО parking brakО, аhilО holНingWhen the CVT makes no speed change E00603100139 thО vОhiclО stationarв аith thО sОrvicО brakО. Passing acceleration IП thО transmission НoОs not changО spООНs аhilО E00602700037 Нriving, or вour vОhiclО НoОs not pick up Оnough To gain Обtra accОlОration in “D” (DRIVE) posi- spООН аhОn starting on an uphill slopО, it maв bО CAUTION tion, push thО accОlОrator to thО Пloor. ThО CVT that thОrО is somОthing unusual happОning in thО аill automaticallв НoаnshiПt. Never hold the vehicle stationary while in transmission, causing a saПОtв НОvicО to activatО. l 4 CVT on a hill with the accelerator, al- WО rОcommОnН вou to havО вour vОhiclО chОckОН NOTE ways apply the parking brake and/or serv- as soon as possiblО. In sports moНО, НoаnshiПts Нo not takО placО ice brake. l аhОn thО accОlОrator is НОprОssОН all thО аaв to thО Пloor. Parking E00602900039 Uphill/downhill driving To park thО vОhiclО, Пirst bring it to a complОtО E00603000037 stop, Пullв ОngagО thО parking brakО, anН thОn movО thО sОlОctor lОvОr to thО “P” (PARK) position. DRIVING UPHILL IП вou arО going to lОavО thО vОhiclО unattОnНОН, al- ThО transmission maв not upshiПt to a highОr shiПt аaвs sаitch oПП thО ОnginО anН carrв thО kОв. position iП thО computОr НОtОrminОs thО currОnt spООН cannot bО maintainОН oncО a highОr shiПt po- sition is ОngagОН. For smoothОr vОhiclО pОrПormancО, iП вou rОlОasО thО throttlО аhilО climbing a stООp graНО, thО trans- mission maв not upshiПt. This is normal, as thО computОr is tОmporarilв prО- vОnting shiПting. AПtОr rОaching thО top oП thО hill, normal shiПt Пunction аill rОsumО. 4-28
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year of production from: 2010

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