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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving CAUTION WARNING ChОck thО НОpth oП thО аatОr anН thО tОrrain bОПorО attОmpting to НrivО through it. DrivО sloаlв to Avoid sudden braking, sudden accelera- When attempting to rock your vehicle out l l avoiН crОating ОбcОssivО аatОr splashing. tion and sharp turning. Skidding occurs of a stuck position, be sure that the area and control of the vehicle could be lost. around the vehicle is clear of people and physical objects. The rocking motion may CAUTION cause the vehicle to suddenly launch for- Driving on sandy or muddy roads ward or backward, causing injury or dam- Never drive through water that is deep SОt thО НrivО moНО-sОlОctor to “4WD LOCK” anН l age to nearby people or objects. enough to cover wheel hubs, axles or ex- thОn graНuallв НОprОss thО accОlОrator pОНal Пor a haust pipe. Do not change the gearshift smooth start. KООp thО prОssurО on thО accОlОrator lever position (M/T) or the selector lever pОНal as constant as possiblО, anН НrivО at loа spООН. NOTE position (CVT) while driving through wa- AvoiН suННОn braking, suННОn accОlОration l ter. anН sharp turning; such opОrations coulН rО- Frequent driving through water can ad- CAUTION sult in thО vОhiclО bОcoming stuck. versely affect the life span of the vehicle; IП thО vОhiclО bОcomОs stuck in sanНв or muН- l Do not force the vehicle or drive reckless- we recommend you to take the necessary l Нв roaНs, it can oПtОn bО movОН аith a rock- ly on sandy surfaces. In comparison with measures to prepare, inspect, and repair ing motion. MovО thО gОarshiПt lОvОr altОr- normal road surfaces, the engine and oth- the vehicle. st natОlв bОtаООn thО 1 anН “R” (RОvОrsО) po- er drive-system components are put un- After driving through water, apply the l 4 sitions (M/T), thО “D” (DRIVE) anН “R” (RE- der excessive strain when driving on such brakes to be sure they are functioning VERSE) positions (CVT), аhilО prОssing a surface. This could lead to accidents. properly. If the brakes are wet and not lightlв on thО accОlОrator pОНal. If the engine coolant temperature display functioning properly, dry them out by l Driving on rough roaНs can causО rust on thО l flashes on the information screen in driving slowly while lightly depressing vОhiclО; аash thО vОhiclО thoroughlв as soon the multi-information display or the en- the brake pedal. Inspect each part of the as possiblО aПtОr such usО. gine power drops suddenly while the vehi- vehicle carefully. cle is being driven, park your vehicle im- Climbing/descending sharp grades mediately in a safe place. Your vОhiclО maв not proviНО suППiciОnt hill climb- Refer to “Engine overheating” on page ing abilitв anН ОnginО braking on stООp slopОs. 6-04 for details and take the required meas- AvoiН Нriving on stООp slopОs ОvОn though thО vОhi- ures. clО is a 4-аhООl НrivО vОhiclО. Driving through water E00618900076 IП thО ОlОctrical circuits bОcomО аОt, ПurthОr opОra- tion oП thО vОhiclО аill bО impossiblО; thОrОПorО, avoiН Нriving through аatОr unlОss absolutОlв nОc- Оssarв. IП Нriving through аatОr is unavoiНablО, usО thО Пolloаing procОНurО: 4-32
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year of production from: 2010

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manual Mitsubishi ASX Mitsubishi ASX owners manual
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