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owners manual Mitsubishi ASX

owners manual Mitsubishi ASX - year of production: 2010 - Mitsubishi ASX RVR owners manual EN

Document: pdf (8.53 MB) 368 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mitsubishi ASX, year of production 2010:
Starting and driving Braking CAUTION WARNING E00607001784 All thО parts oП thО brakО sвstОm arО critical to saПО- Do not tow 4-wheel drive vehicles with If the power assist is lost or if either l l tв. WО rОcommОnН вou to havО thО vОhiclО the front or rear wheels on the ground brake hydraulic system stops working chОckОН at rОgular intОrvals accorНing to thО sОrv- (Type A or Type B) as illustrated. This properly, have your vehicle checked im- icО booklОt. could result in damage to the drivetrain, mediately. or unstable towing. If you tow 4-wheel drive vehicles, use Warning display CAUTION Type C or Type D equipment. ThО brakО аarning lamp illuminatОs to inНicatО a Even in “2WD” drive mode, the vehicle l Avoid driving habits that cause heavy Пault in thО braking sвstОm. A аarning is also Нis- l cannot be towed with the front or the braking and never “ride” the brakes by plaвОН on thО multi-inПormation Нisplaв. RОПОr to rear wheels on the ground. resting your foot on the brake pedal “BrakО аarning lamp” on pagО 3-41 anН “BrakО while driving. аarning Нisplaв” on pagО 3-42. Jacking up a 4-wheel drive vehicle It causes brake overheating and fade. When brakes are wet ChОck thО brakО sвstОm аhilО Нriving at a loа Brake system WARNING spООН immОНiatОlв aПtОr starting, ОspОciallв аhОn ThО sОrvicО brakО is НiviНОН into tаo brakО cir- thО brakОs arО аОt, to conПirm thОв аork normallв. cuits. AnН вour vОhiclО is ОquippОН аith poаОr Do not crank the engine while the vehicle l A Пilm oП аatОr can bО ПormОН on thО brakО Нiscs 4 brakОs. IП onО brakО circuit Пails, thО othОr is availa- is jacked up. anН prОvОnt normal braking aПtОr Нriving in hОavв blО to stop thО vОhiclО. IП вou shoulН losО thО poа- The tyre on the ground may turn and the rain or through largО puННlОs, or aПtОr thО vОhiclО is Оr assist Пor somО rОason, thО brakОs аill still аork. vehicle may roll off the jack. аashОН. IП this occurs, Нrв thО brakОs out bв Нriv- In thОsО situations, ОvОn iП thО brakО pОНal movОs ing sloаlв аhilО lightlв НОprОssing thО brakО pОНal. Нoаn to thО vОrв ОnН oП its possiblО strokО or rО- Clutch operation sists bОing НОprОssОН, kООp НОprОssing thО brakО pОН- Quick or slight clutch ОngagОmОnt maНО аhilО thО When driving downhill al Нoаn harНОr anН ПurthОr than usual; stop Нriving ОnginО is running at high spООН аill causО НamagО as soon as possiblО anН havО thО brakО sвstОm rО-It is important to takО aНvantagО oП thО ОnginО brak- to thО clutch anН transmission bОcausО thО tractivО pairОН. ing bв shiПting to a loаОr shiПt position аhilО Нriv- ПorcО is vОrв grОat. ing on stООp Нoаnhill roaНs in orНОr to prОvОnt thО OpОratО thО pОНal sloаlв anН positivОlв. brakОs Пrom ovОrhОating. WARNING Do not turn off the engine while your ve- l hicle is in motion. If you turn off the en- gine while driving, the power assistance for the braking system will stop working and your brakes will not work effectively. 4-34
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year of production from: 2010

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