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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 174
Navigation Destination guidance
tion of traffic incident data. You agree to inѪtract and tort (such as negligence, product
demnify, defend and hold harmless BMW liability and strict liability). Some states do
of North America, LLC. (ѶBMW NAѷ) and not allow the exclusion or limitation of inciѪ
Total Traffic Network, Inrix, Inc (and theirdental or consequential damages, so those
affiliates) against any and all claims, damѪparticular limitations may not apply to you.
ages, costs or other expenses that arise diѪ
▷ The traffic bulletins are indicated on the
rectly or indirectly out of (a) your unauthorѪ
map by symbols.
ized use of the traffic incident data or the
▷ The traffic bulletins for the surrounding
RDS-TMC network, (b) your violation of
area are stored in a list.
this directive and/or (c) any unauthorized or
The symbol in the function bar of the
unlawful activities by you in connection
map view turns red if there are traffic bulleѪ
tins that affect the calculated route.
B. Total Traffic Network traffic data is inforѪ
mational only. User assumes all risk of use.
Switching the reception on/off
Total Traffic Network, BMW NA, and their
1. "Navigation"
suppliers make no representations about
content, traffic and road conditions, route2.Open "Options".
usability, or speed.
3. "Receive Traffic Info"
C. The licensed material is provided to liѪ
censee Ѷas is,ѷ and Ѷwhere isѷ. Total TrafѪ
Opening the list of traffic bulletins
fic Network, including, but not limited to,
1. "Navigation"
any and all third party providers of any of
2. "Map"
the licensed material, expressly disclaims,
to the fullest extent permitted by law, all3. "Traffic Info"
warranties or representations with respect
First, traffic bulletins for the calculated
to the licensed material (including, without
route are displayed.
limitation, that the licensed material will be
The traffic bulletins are sorted by their disѪ
error-free, will operate without interruption
tance from the current position of the vehiѪ
or that the traffic data will be accurate), exѪ
press, implied or statutory, including, withѪ
4. Select a traffic bulletin.
out limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantability, non-infringement fitness "More information": display additional
for a particular purpose, or those arising information.
from a course of dealing or usage of trade.
5. Scroll to the next or previous traffic bulletin
D. Neither Total Traffic Network, Inrix, Inc.if required.
or BMW NA will be liable to you for any inѪ
direct, special, consequential, exemplary,Traffic bulletins on the map
or incidental damages (including, without
"Traffic conditions/gray map" active:
limitation, lost revenues, anticipated reveѪ
The Control Display changes to a black and
nues, or profits relating to the same) arising
white display. This enables a better view of the
from any claim relating directly or indirectly
traffic bulletins. The day/night mode is disreѪ
to use of the traffic data, and even if Total
Traffic Network, Inrix, Inc., or BMW NA are
aware of the possibility of such damages.
These limitations apply to all claims, inѪ
cluding, without limitation, claims in conѪ
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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