owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 172
Navigation Destination guidance
At a glance Status fields
Show/hide: press the controller.
▷ Upper status field: time, telephone, and enѪ
tertainment details.
▷ Lower status field: symbol for active destiѪ
nation guidance, status of traffic bulletins,
time of arrival, and distance to destination.
Function bar
The following functions are available in the
1 Function bar
function bar:
2 Route section with traffic obstruction
Symbol Function
3 Traffic sign for traffic obstruction
Start/end destination guidance.
4 Planned route
5 Current location Switch spoken instructions on/
6 Upper status field
7 Lower status field Change the route criteria.
Search for a special destinaѪ
Lines in the map tion.
Streets and routes are displayed in different
Display traffic bulletins.
colors and styles depending on their classificaѪ
tion. Dashed lines represent railways and ferry Open the interactive map.
connections. Country borders are indicated by
Set the map view.
thin lines.
Change the scale.
Traffic obstructions
Small triangles along the planned route indiѪ
To change to the function bar, move the conѪ
cate route sections with traffic obstructions,
troller to the left.
depending on the map scale. The direction of
the triangles indicates the direction of the obѪ
Changing the map section
"Interactive map"
The traffic signs indicate the significance of
▷ To shift the map: move the controller in the
the obstruction.
required direction.
▷ Red traffic sign: the obstruction affects the
▷ To shift the map diagonally: move the conѪ
planned route or direction.
troller in the required direction and turn it.
▷ Grey traffic sign: the obstruction does not
affect the planned route or direction.
Changing the scale
Traffic bulletins, refer to page 173.
1. Select the symbol.
2. To change the scale: turn the controller.
Planned route
After destination guidance is started, the planѪ
ned route is displayed on the map.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13

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year of production from: 2014

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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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