owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 175
Destination guidance Navigation
garded in this setting. Symbols and special4. "Traffic Info categories"
destinations are not displayed.
5. Select the desired category.
1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
3. Open "Options".
4. "Settings"
5. "Traffic conditions/gray map"
Symbols in the map view
Depending on the scale of the map and the loѪ
cation of the traffic obstruction along the route,
Traffic bulletins of the selected category are
the symbols for the traffic obstructions are disѪ
displayed on the map.
▷ Traffic bulletins that are relevant to the
route are always shown.
Additional information in the map view
▷ For your own safety, traffic bulletins that
Depending on the map scale, a traffic obstrucѪ
notify you of potentially dangerous situaѪ
tion's length, direction, and impact are disѪ
tions, such as wrong-way drivers, cannot
played in the map using triangles or gray bars
be hidden.
along the calculated route.
▷ Red: traffic congestion
Destination guidance with traffic
▷ Orange: stop-and-go traffic bulletins
▷ Yellow: heavy traffic
General information
▷ Green: clear roads
Detour suggestions from the navigation sysѪ
▷ Gray: general traffic bulletins such as road
tem can be manually accepted when using
semi-dynamic destination guidance. When usѪ
The displayed information depends on the parѪ
ing dynamic destination guidance, they are auѪ
ticular traffic information service.
tomatically accepted for route guidance.
Filtering traffic bulletins Semi-dynamic destination guidance
You can set which traffic bulletins appear on
When traffic bulletin reception is switched on,
the map.
semi-dynamic destination guidance is active.
The destination guidance system takes the
1. "Navigation"
available traffic bulletins into account. A mesѪ
2. "Map"
sage is displayed depending on the route, the
3. Open "Options".
traffic bulletins, and the possible detour routes.
If possible, a detour is offered in case of traffic
The upper part of the message shows:
▷ Symbol of the first traffic obstruction, posѪ
sibly with the distance to the beginning of
the obstruction.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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year of production from: 2014
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
pages 172 - 178
BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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