owners manual BMW X6M F16
owners manual BMW X6M F16 - year of production: 2014 - BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle BMW X6M F16, year of production 2014:
Seite 184
Entertainment Radio
2. Press the controller.
Activating/deactivating digital radio
3. Select the substation.
1. "Radio"
When reception is poor, the substation is
2. "FM" or "AM" muted.
3. Open "Options".
4. "HD Radio Reception"
Satellite radio
The setting is stored for the remote control
currently in use.
General information
This symbol is displayed in the status line
The channels are offered in predefined packѪ
when the audio signal is digital.
ages. The packages must be enabled by teleѪ
When tuning to a station with a digital signal, itphone.
may take several seconds for the station to be
played back in digital quality. Navigation bar overview
Note on HD stations whose station name ends
Symbol Function
in .HD or with .HD1:
In areas in which the station is not continuѪ
Change the list view.
ously received in digital mode, the playback
Select the category.
switches between analog and digital reception.
In this case, switch off digital radio reception.
Direct channel entry
Note on HD multicast stations whose station
name ends in .HD2, .HD3, .:
In areas in which the station is not continuѪ Open the My Favorites cateѪ
ously received in digital mode, the audible sigѪ gory/open a favorite.
nal may be interrupted for several seconds.
Manage the favorites.
This is reception related.
Traffic Jump
Displaying additional information
Some stations broadcast additional informaѪ
The functions of the navigation bar symbols
tion on the current track, such as the name of
can also be stored on the programmable memѪ
the artist.
ory buttons, refer to page 23.
1. Select the desired station.
Managing a subscription
2. Open "Options".
To be able to enable or unsubscribe from the
3. "Station info"
channels, you must have reception. It is usually
at its best when you have an unobstructed
Selecting a substation
view of the sky. The channel name is displayed
This symbol indicates that a main station
in the status line.
also broadcasts additional substations. The
station name of the main station ends in HD1.
Station names of the substations end in HD2,
HD3, etc.
1. Select the desired station.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 910 899 - VII/13
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BMW X6 M Power F16 owners manual
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