owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
166 Automatictransmission
Drive programs Rthefuelconsumptionpossiblybeinghigher
Drive program I (Individual) as a result of the later automatic transmis-
sion shift points.
In drive program I the following properties ofRthesuspension exhibits stiff springing and
g the drive program can be selected:damping settings (vehicles with
Rthedrive (engine and transmission man-
rkinagement) Drive program C (Comfort)
p Rthesuspension Drive program C is characterized by the fol-
d Rthesteering
n lowing:
a Rtheavailability of the ECO start/stop func-
tion Rthevehicle delivers comfortable, economi-
vingRtheclimate control: cal handling characteristics.
i Rthevehicle pulling away more gently in
DriTopermanentlyselectthegearsindriveforward and reverse gears, unless the
program I using the steering wheel paddleaccelerator pedal is depressed fully.
shifters, select the M (manual) setting for
the drive. Rthevehicle having improved driving stabil-
ity, for example on slippery road surfaces.
Drive program S+ (Sport Plus) Roptimal fuel consumption resulting from
the automatic transmission shifting up
Drive program S+ is characterized by the fol-sooner. The vehicle is driven in the low
lowing: enginespeedrangeandthewheelsareless
Rthevehicleexhibitsparticularlysportydriv-likely to spin.
ing characteristics. Drive program E (Economy)
Rthevehicle pulling away in first gear.
Rtheautomatictransmission shifting upDrive program E is characterized by the fol-
later. lowing:
RthefuelconsumptionpossiblybeinghigherRthevehicleexhibits comfortable, economi-
as a result of the later automatic transmis-cal handling characteristics.
sion shift points. Rthevehicle pulling away more gently in
Rthesuspension exhibits particularly stiffforward and reverse gears, unless the
springing and damping settings (vehiclesaccelerator pedal is depressed fully.
with AIR BODY CONTROL). Rthevehicle having improved driving stabil-
RtheECOstart/stopfunction is not availa-ity, for example on slippery road surfaces.
ble. Roptimal fuel consumption resulting from
Drive program S (Sport) the automatic transmission shifting up
sooner. The vehicle is driven in the low
Drive program S is characterized by the fol-enginespeedrangeandthewheelsareless
lowing: likely to spin.
Rduring deceleration, the engine is discon-
Rthevehicle exhibits sporty driving charac-nected from the drive train. The vehicle
teristics. useskineticenergyandconsumeslessfuel
Rthevehicle pulling away in first gear.(overrun mode).
Rtheautomatictransmission shifting upRtheperformanceofair-conditioningsystem
later. andheating are reduced.

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year of production from: 2015

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