owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Automatictransmission 163
Shifting to neutral N vehiclecleanedinanautomaticcarwashwith
GWARNING a towing system:
If childrenareleftunsupervisedinthevehicle,Using the SmartKey:
they could: XSwitchontheignition.
Ropenthedoors,thusendangering otherXDepressthebrakepedalandkeepit
people or road users. depressed.
Rgetoutanddisrupttraffic. XShift to neutral N. parking
Roperatethevehicle's equipment.XReleasethebrakepedal.
Additionally, children could set the vehicle inXReleasetheelectric parking brake.and
motion if, for example, they: XSwitchofftheignitionandleavetheSmart-
Key in the ignition lock.
Rrelease the parking brake. WiththeStart/Stopbutton: iving
Rshifting the automatic transmission out of r
park position P XRemovetheStart/StopbuttonfromtheD
RStart the engine. ignition lock.
There is a risk of an accident and injury.XInsert the SmartKey into the ignition lock.
Whenleaving the vehicle, always take theXSwitchontheignition.
leave children or animals unattended in thedepressed.
vehicle. Always keep the SmartKey out ofXShift to neutral N.
reach of children. XReleasethebrakepedal.
XIf the transmission is in position D or R:XReleasetheelectric parking brake.
push the DIRECT SELECT lever up or downXSwitchofftheignitionandleavetheSmart-
to the first point of resistance.Key in the ignition lock.
XIfthetransmissionisinpositionP:depressEngaging drive position D
the brake pedal and push the DIRECT
SELECTleverupordowntothefirstpointofXIf the transmission is in position R or N:
resistance. push the DIRECT SELECT lever down past
If you switch the engine off with the trans-the first point of resistance.
mission in position R or D, the automaticXIfthetransmissionisinpositionP:depress
transmission shifts to N automatically.the brake pedal and push the DIRECT
WiththeSmartKey:ifyouthenopenthe SELECTlever down past the first point of
driver's door or the front-passenger door orresistance.
remove the SmartKey from the ignition, the
automatic transmission shifts to P automati-
cally. Transmission position and drive pro-
WiththeStart/Stopbutton:if you thengramdisplay
openthedriver'sdoororthefront-passengerThe current transmission position and drive
door, the automatic transmission shifts to Pprogram appear in the multifunction display.
If you want the automatic transmission to
remain in neutral N, e.g. when having the

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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