owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Automatictransmission 165
Neutral Double-clutch function
Donotshift the transmission to NWhenshifting down, the double-clutch func-
while driving. Otherwise, the auto-tionisactiveregardlessofthecurrentlyselec-
matic transmission could be dam-teddriveprogram.Thedouble-clutchfunction
aged. reduces load change reactions and is condu-g
Nopoweristransmitted from thecive to a sporty driving style. The sound gen-
engine to the drive wheels. eratedbythedouble-clutchfunctiondepends
Releasingthebrakepedalwillallowonthedrive program selected. parkin
youtomovethevehiclefreely,e.g.Kickdown d
to push it or tow it. an
®is deactivated or faulty:Usekickdownfor maximumacceleration. g
If ESP n
shift the transmissiontopositionNXDepresstheaccelerator pedal beyond thei
if the vehicle is in danger of skid- i
pressure point. r
ding, e.g. on icy roads. The automatic transmission shifts to aD
If youswitchtheengineoffwiththelowergeardependingontheenginespeed.
transmissioninpositionRorD,theXEaseofftheaccelerator pedal once the
automatic transmission shifts to Ndesired speed is reached.
automatically. Theautomatictransmissionshiftsbackup.
!RollinginneutralNcandamage Rocking the vehicle free
the drive train.
7 Drive Rocking the vehicle free by shifting back and
The automatic transmission forthbetweentransmissionpositionsDandR
changes gear automatically. Allcan help to free a vehicle that has become
forward gears are available. stuck in mud or snow.
The vehicle's engine management restricts
switching between transmission positions D
Driving tips and R to speeds up to a maximum of 5 mph
Changinggear (9 km/h).
Theautomatictransmissionshiftstotheindi-positions D and R, move the DIRECT SELECT
vidual gears automatically when it is in trans-lever up and down past the point of resist-
ing behavior is determined by: Towingatrailer
Rtheselected drive program
Rtheposition of the accelerator pedalXDrive in the middle of the engine speed
Rtheroadspeed range on uphill gradients.
XManualshifting: depending on the uphill
Accelerator pedal position or downhill gradient, shift into a gear
Ypage167),inwhichtheenginewill run
Yourstyle of driving influences how the auto-(
matic transmission shifts gear: the middle of the engine speed range.
This also applies if cruise control or
Rlittle throttle: early upshifts DISTRONICPLUSisactivated.
Rmorethrottle: late upshifts

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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