owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
Engine coolant level* Check the coolantmayform on the floor pan, frame, fuel linesWhenperforming any inspection or mainte-
level when the engine is cold.and exhaust system. At the end of winter,nance work on your vehicle, always take
Radiator and hoses Check the front of thethe underbodyshouldbethoroughlyflushedcare to prevent serious accidental injury to
radiator and clean off any dirt, insects,with plain water, in those areas where mudyourself or damage to the vehicle. The
leaves, etc., that may have accumulated.and dirt may have accumulated. See thefollowing are general precautions which
Make sure the hoses have no cracks, de-‘‘Appearance and care’’ section of thisshould be closely observed.
formation, rot or loose connections.manual. WARNING
Engine drive belts* Make sure the driveFluid leaks Check under the vehicle for● Park the vehicle on a level surface,
belts are not frayed, worn, cracked or oily.fuel, oil, water or other fluid leaks after theapplytheparkingbrakesecurelyand
vehicle has been parked for a while. Waterblock the wheels to prevent the ve-
Battery* Check the fluid level in each cell. Itdripping from the air conditioner after use ishiclefrommoving.Formanualtrans-
should be between the MAX and MIN lines.normal. If you should notice any leaks or ifmissionmodels,movetheshiftlever
Vehicles operated in high temperatures orgasoline fumes are evident, check for theto N (Neutral). For automatic trans-
under severe conditions require frequentcause and have it corrected immediately.mission models, move the shift se-
checks of the battery fluid level. lector lever to P (Park).
Exhaust system Make sure there are no ● BesuretheignitionkeyisintheOFF
loosesupports,cracksorholes.Ifthesound or LOCK position when performing
of the exhaust seems unusual or there is a any parts replacement or repairs.
smell of exhaust fumes, immediately have ● Your vehicle is equipped with an
the exhaust system inspected by an autho- automatic engine cooling fan. It may
rized NISSAN dealer. See the carbon mon- come on at any time without warn-
oxide warning in the ‘‘Starting and driving’’ ing, even if the ignition key is in the
section of this manual. OFF position and the engine is not
Underbody The underbody is frequently running. To avoid injury, always dis-
exposed to corrosive substances such as connect the negative battery cable
those used on icy roads or to control dust. It before working near the fan.
is very important to remove these sub-
stances from the underbody, otherwise rust
Maintenance and do-it-yourself8-5

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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