owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
you in choosing the proper product.and causing the acceleration of underbodyCHROMEPARTS
● Wax your vehicle only after a thoroughand suspension corrosion. Before winterClean all chrome parts regularly with a
washing. Follow the instructions suppliedand again in the spring, the underseal mustnon-abrasive chrome polish to maintain the
with the wax. be checked and, if necessary, re-treated.finish.
● Do not use a wax containing any abra-GLASS
sives, cutting compounds or cleanersUse glass cleaner to remove smoke and
that may damage the vehicle finish.dust film from the glass surfaces. It is nor-
● If the surface does not polish easily, usemal for glass to become coated with a film
a “road tar” remover and wax again.after the vehicle is parked in the hot sun.
Machine compounding or aggressive pol-Glasscleanerandasoftclotheasilyremove
ishing on a base coat/clear coat paint finishthis film.
may dull the finish or leave swirl marks.CAUTION
Only use black wax or black shoe polish onWhen cleaning the inside of the win-
black urethane or polypropylene bumpers.dows, do not use sharp-edged tools,
REMOVINGSPOTS abrasive cleaners or chlorine based
Remove tar and oil spots, industrial dust,disinfectant cleaners. They could dam-
insects, and tree sap as quickly as possibleagetheelectrical conductors, radio an-
from the surface of the paint to avoid lastingtenna elements or rear window defog-
damage or staining. Special cleaning prod-ger elements.
ucts are available at an authorized NISSANALUMINUMALLOYWHEELS
dealer or any automotive accessory store.
UNDERBODY Wash the wheels regularly, especially dur-
In areas where road salt is used in winter,ing winter months in areas where road salt
the underbody must be cleaned regularly.is used. If not removed, road salt could
This prevents dirt and salt from building updiscolor the wheels.
Appearance and care 7-3

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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