owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
warning lights and chimes are operatingAccelerator pedal Check the pedal forUnder the hood and vehicle
properly. smooth operation and make sure the pedalThe maintenance items listed here should
Windshieldwiperandwasher*Checkthatdoes not catch or require uneven effort.becheckedperiodically(e.g., each time you
the wipers and washer operate properly andKeep the floor mat away from the pedal.check the engine oil or refuel).
that the wipers do not streak.Clutch pedal* Make sure the pedal oper-Additional information on the following
Windshield defroster Check that the airates smoothly and check that it has theitems with an ‘‘*’’ is found later in this
comes out of the defroster outlets properlyproper free travel.section.
andinsufficient quantity when operating theBrakes Check that the brakes do not pullWindshieldwasherfluid*Checkthatthere
heater or air conditioner.the vehicle to one side when applied.is adequate fluid in the reservoir.
Steering wheel Check for changes in theBrakepedalandbooster*CheckthepedalEngine oil level* Check the level after
steering conditions, such as excessive free-for smooth operation and make sure it hasparking the vehicle on a level surface with
play, hard steering or strange noises.the proper distance under it when de-the engine off. Wait a few minutes for the oil
Seats Check seat position controls such aspressedfully. Checkthebrakeboosterfunc-to drain back into the oil pan.
seat adjusters, seatback recliner, etc. totion. Be certain to keep the floor mat away
ensure they operate smoothly and allfrom the pedal.Brake and clutch fluid levels* Make sure
latches lock securely in every position.Parking brake* Check that the lever hasthat the brake and clutch fluid level is be-
Checkthattheheadrestraints move up andthe proper travel and confirm that yourtween the MIN and MAX lines on the reser-
down smoothly and the locks (if sovehicle is held securely on a fairly steep hillvoir.
equipped) hold securely in all latched posi-with only the parking brake applied.Power steering fluid level* and lines
tions. Automatic transmission P (Park) posi-Check the level when the fluid is cold, with
Seat belts Check that all parts of the seattion mechanism Check that the lock re-the engine off. Check the lines for proper
belt system (e.g., buckles, anchors, adjust-lease button on the selector lever operatesattachment, leaks, cracks, etc.
ers and retractors) operate properly andproperly and smoothly. On a fairly steep hillAutomatictransmissionfluidlevel*
smoothly, and are installed securely. Checkcheckthat your vehicle is held securely withCheck the level after putting the selector
the belt webbing for cuts, fraying, wear orthe selector lever in the P position withoutlever in P with the engine idling at operating
damage. applying any brakes. temperature.
8-4 Maintenance and do-it-yourself

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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