owners manual Nissan Sunny
owners manual Nissan Sunny - year of production: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 - Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sunny, year of production 2000 - 2005:
During the normal day-to-day operation ofCheck carefully for damage, cuts or exces-Windshield wiper blades* Check for
the vehicle, general maintenance should besive wear. cracks or wear if they do not wipe properly.
performed regularly as prescribed in thisWheel nuts* When checking the tires, makeDoors, hood and tailgate Check that the
section. If you detect any unusual sounds,sure no wheel nuts are missing, and check fordoors, hood and tailgate operate properly.
vibrations or smells, be sure to check for theany loose wheel nuts. Tighten if necessary.Also ensure that all latches lock securely.
cause or have an authorized NISSAN Lubricate hinges, latches, latch pins, rollers
dealerdoitpromptly.Inaddition,youshouldTire rotation* Tires should be rotated everyand links as necessary. Make sure that the
notify an authorized NISSAN dealer if you7,500 miles (12,000 km).secondary latch keeps the hood from open-
think that repairs are required.Wheel alignment and balance If the ve-ing when the primary latch is released.
When performing any checks or mainte-hicle should pull to either side while drivingWhen driving in areas using road salt or
nance work, closely observe the ‘‘Mainte-on a straight and level road, or if you detectother corrosive materials, check lubrication
nance precautions’’ later in this section.unevenorabnormaltirewear,theremaybefrequently.
EXPLANATION OF GENERAL a need for wheel alignment. Lights* Clean the headlights on a regular
MAINTENANCE ITEMS Ifthe steering wheel or seat vibrates atbasis. Make sure that the headlights, stop
normal highway speeds, wheel balancinglights, tail lights, turn signal lights, and other
Additional information on the followingmay be needed. lights are all operating properly and installed
items with ‘‘*’’ is found later in this sec-● Foradditionalinformationregardingtires,securely. Also check headlight aim.
tion. refer to ‘‘Important Tire Safety Informa-Inside the vehicle
Outside the vehicle tion’’ in the Warranty Information BookletThe maintenance items listed here should
The maintenance items listed here should(US) or ‘‘Tire Safety Information’’ in thebe checked on a regular basis, such as
be performed from time to time, unlessWarrantyandRoadsideAssistanceInfor-when performing periodic maintenance,
otherwise specified. mation booklet (Canada). cleaning the vehicle, etc.
Tires* Check the pressure with a gauge atWindshield Clean the windshield on aAdditional information on the following
least once a month and always prior to longregular basis. Check the windshield at leastitems with an ‘‘*’’ is found later in this
distance trips, including the spare, and ad-every six months for cracks or other dam-section.
age. Have a damaged windshield repaired
just to the specified pressure if necessary.by a qualified repair facility.Warning lights and chimes Make sure all
Maintenance and do-it-yourself8-3

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year of production from: 2000

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Nissan Sunny Sentra N16 owners manual
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