owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
13. After the engine cools down, check the coolantWhentowingyourvehicle,localregulationsfortow-ignition switch in the LOCK position. This will
level in the engine coolant reservoir with theing must be followed. Incorrect towing equipmentresult in damage to the steering lock mecha-
engine running. Do not open the radiator capcould damage your vehicle. To assure proper tow-nism.
(where fitted). ing and to prevent accidental damage to your ve-• When towing with the rear wheels on the
14. If the level is low, remove the engine coolanthicle, NISSAN recommendsthatyouhaveaserviceground, release the handbrake.
reservoir cap and add coolant slowly into theoperator tow your vehicle. It is advisable to have the
reservoir. After refilling the reservoir to the MAXservice operator carefully read the following precau-• Always attach safety chains before towing.
level, install the reservoir cap.tions.
Before removing the engine coolant reservoir• Donotallowanyoccupantsinthevehiclethat
capandtoavoidthedangerofbeingscalded,is being towed.
cover the reservoir cap with a rag and loosen• Nevergetunderyourvehicleafterithasbeen
thereservoircaptothefirstnotchtoallowthelifted by a tow truck.
steam to escape. TOWINGPRECAUTIONS
15. Close the bonnet. • Whentowing: Make sure that the transmission,
Have your vehicle inspected or repaired by aaxles, steering system and power train are in
NISSANdealer or qualified workshop.working condition. If any unit is damaged, the
vehicle must be towed using a dolly or be placed
on a flat bed lorry.
• Release the handbrake and shift the manual
transmission (MT), or automatic transmission
(AT) into the N (Neutral) position before starting
to tow the vehicle.
• When towing manual transmission models
with the front wheels on the ground: Move the
ignition switch to the “OFF” position then secure
the steering wheel in a straight ahead position
using a rope or similar device. Never place the
6-12 Incaseofemergency

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year of production from: 2006

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