owners manual Subaru Forester
owners manual Subaru Forester - year of production: 2012 - Subaru Forester IV 4 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Subaru Forester, year of production 2012:
Instruments and controls/Warning and indicator lights3-25
Inside warningOutside warningAccess keyOperation indica-
chime chime warning light ontor on push-buttonStatus Action
meter ignition switch
Switch the push-button ignition
Thedriver’s door was openedwhile switch to “OFF”, or close the
the push-button ignition switch isdriver’s door.
Ding, “ACC” and the select lever is in the *When exiting the vehicle, be sure
“P” position. to switch the push-button ignition
ding . ——— switchto“OFF”.
The push-button ignition switch
was switched to “OFF” while theClose the driver’s door.
driver’s door is open.
Take out the access key from the
Lockout warning: vehicle, and lock the doors.
Short beep An attempt was made to lock all*The doors cannot be locked while
Ding (2 seconds) ——theaccesskeyisinsidethevehicle.
doors while the access key is left
inside the vehicle. *Achirpsoundwillbeheard,andall
doors will be unlocked.
Access key lock-in warning:Take out the access key from the
Short beep The door lock sensor was touched vehicle, and lock the doors.
— ——*Iftheaccesskeyisinsidethe
(2 seconds) while the push-button ignition
switch is “OFF” and the access key vehicle, the doors cannot be
is inside the vehicle.locked.
Door ajar warning: Close the doors securely and lock
The door lock sensor is touchedthem.
Beep, beep . while the push-button ignition
— (5 beeps) ——*Ifoneofthedoorsincludingthe
switch is in the “OFF” position andrear gate is opened, the doors
one of the doors including the rear cannot be locked.
gate is opened.
Power warning: Return the access key inside the
The door lock sensor was touched vehicle, or switch the push-button
Long beep (60 while carrying the access key andignition switch to “OFF”.
Ding seconds max.) ——*Ifthepush-buttonignitionswitchis
the push-button ignition switch is in
aposition other than “OFF” and the not switched to “OFF”, the doors
select lever is in the “P” position.cannot be locked.

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year of production from: 2012

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