owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Operating the climate control systems 147
Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The rear window The battery has not been sufficiently charged.
defroster has deactiva-XSwitchoff any consumers that are not required, e.g. reading
tedprematurelyorcan-lamps, interior lighting or the seat heating.
not be activated. Whenthebattery is sufficiently charged, the rear window
defroster can be activated again.
Switching air-recirculation mode XTodeactivate:press the grocker
on/off switch up or down.
General notes The indicator lamp above the g rocker
switch goes out.
Youcanalsotemporarily deactivate the flowAir-recirculation mode deactivates automati-
of fresh air manually if unpleasant odors arecally:
entering the vehicle from outside. The airRafterapproximatelyfiveminutesatoutside
already inside the vehicle will then be recir-temperatures below approximately 41 ‡control
culated. (5 †)
If you switch on air-recirculation mode, theRafter approximately five minutes if cooling
windows can fog up more quickly, in particu-with air dehumidification is deactivated
lar at low temperatures. Only use air-recircu- Climate
lation mode briefly to prevent the windowsRafter approximately 30 minutes at outside
from fogging up. temperatures above approximately 41 ‡
(5 †) if the "Cooling with air dehumidifica-
Switching on/off tion" function is activated
tion lock (
XToactivate:press thegrockerswitch Operating the perfume atomizer
The indicator lamp above the g rockerGWARNING
switch lights up. If children open the perfume vial, they could
Air-recirculation mode switches on automat-drink the perfume or it could come into con-
ically: tactwiththeireyes.Thereisariskofinjury.Do
Rathighoutside temperatures If the perfume liquid has been drunk, consult
Rinatunnel(vehicles with a navigation sys-a doctor. If perfume comes into contact with
temonly) your eyes or skin, rinse the eyes with clean
The indicator lamp above the g rockerwater. If you continue to experience difficul-
switch is not lit when automatic air-recircula-ties, consult a doctor.
tion mode is activated. Outside air is added
after about 30 minutes.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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