owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
146 Operating the climate control systems
The synchronization function deactivates ifDefrosting the windows
the settings for the front-passenger side areWindowsfoggedupontheinside
XActivate the cooling with air dehumidifica-
Defrosting the windshield tion function with the ¿ rocker switch.
General notes XActivate the cooling with air dehumidifica-
shield or to clear a fogged up windshield orthe separate operating instructions).
front side windows on the inside.XSwitchonautomaticmodeusingtheÃ
Switch off the "Windshield defrosting" func-rocker switch.
tion as soon as the windshield is clear again.XIf the windows continue to fog up, activate
the "Windshield defrosting" function using
Switching the "Windshield defrosting"the ¬rockerswitch.
ol function on or off iYoushouldonlyselectthissetting until
XTurntheSmartKeytoposition2intheigni-the windshield is clear again.
contrtion lock ( Windowsfoggedupontheoutside
e XToactivate:press the¬rockerswitchXActivate the windshield wipers.
at onthefront control unit up or down.
The indicator lamp above the ¬ rockerXSwitchonautomaticmodeusingtheÃ
Climswitch lights up. The current climate con-rocker switch.
trol settings are deactivated. iIfyoucleanthewindowsregularly, they
following functions:
Rhighairflow Rear windowdefroster
Rair distribution to the windshield andGeneral notes
front side windows Therearwindowdefrosterhasahighcurrent
Rair-recirculation mode off draw. You should therefore switch it off as
iIfnecessary,the"Cooling with air dehu-soon as the rear window is clear. Otherwise,
midification" function is activated. In thisthe rear window defroster switches off auto-
case, the indicator lamp above thematically after several minutes.
¿rockerswitchremainsswitchedoff.If the battery voltage is too low, the rear win-
XTodeactivate:press the ¬rocker dowdefroster may switch off.
switch up or down. Switching on/off
The indicator lamp above the ¬ rocker
switch goes out. The previously selectedXTurntheSmartKeytoposition2intheigni-
settings are restored. Air-recirculation Ypage153).
moderemainsdeactivated. tion lock (
or XPressthe¤rockerswitchupordown.
XPressthetoporbottomsectionoftheà The indicator lamp above the ¤ rocker
rocker switch. switch lights up or goes out.

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year of production from: 2015

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