owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving 157
MakesurethattheenginecannotbestartedPulling away with a trailer
via your smartphone before carrying out
maintenance or repairs. You can prevent an
engine start via your smartphone, for exam-
ple, if you:
Rswitch on the hazard warning lamps
Ropenthehood parking
Pulling away and
General notes To ensure that you do not roll backwardsriving
GWARNING whenpullingawayonanuphillslope,engageD
If the engine speed is above the idling speedthe electric parking brake.
thevehiclecouldpullawaysuddenly.ThereisThe electric parking brake continues to
a risk of an accident. brake and prevent the vehicle from rolling
Whenengagingtransmissionposition D or R,backwards.
always firmly depress the brake pedal and doThe red F(USAonly)or!(Canada
not simultaneously accelerate. only) indicator lamp in the instrument clus-
ter remains on.
Depress the accelerator carefully when pull-XDepresstheaccelerator pedal.
ing away. XAssoonasthevehicle/trailercombination
The vehicle locks centrally once you haveis held by the driving force of the engine,
pulled away. The locking knobs in the doorsrelease lever :.
drop down. the electric parking brake is released.
YoucanopenthedoorsfromtheinsideatanyThe red F(USAonly)or!(Canada
time. only) indicator lamp in the instrument clus-
Youcanalsodeactivatetheautomaticlockingter goes out.
feature, see the Digital Operator's Manual.Forfurtherinformationontheelectricparking
It is only possible to shift the transmissionbrake, see (Y page 174).
from position P to the desired position if youHill start assist
depress the brake pedal. Only then is the
parking lock released. If you do not depressHill start assist helps you when pulling away
still be moved but the parking lock remainsholds the vehicle for a short time after you
engaged. haveremovedyourfootfromthebrakepedal.
iUpshiftstakeplaceathigherengine This gives you enoughtimetomoveyourfoot
speeds after a cold start. This helps thefromthebrakepedaltotheacceleratorpedal
catalytic converter to reach its operatingandtodepressitbeforethevehiclebeginsto
temperature more quickly. roll.
Information on the automatic release of the
electric parking brake (

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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